
FTX Bankruptcy Legal Costs Hit $118.1 Million in 3 Months

FTX, once a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency exchange market, is embroiled in a costly bankruptcy lawsuit. From August 1 to October 31, legal fees billed by bankruptcy attorneys and advisors handling FTX cases jumped to a whopping $118.1 million.​​​ This amount averages out to about $53,300 per hour, or The ratio reflects the complex nature of the proceedings and the high-profile status of the FTX case.

Management consulting firm Alvarez and Marshall emerged as the top biller in this scenario, billing a whopping $35.8 million for its services over three months. Close behind was global law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, which filed a claim of $31.8 million. These figures highlight the intensity and scope of the legal and management consulting efforts required to resolve the complex issues surrounding the FTX bankruptcy.

Exorbitant legal costs are not just an isolated problem. They have a broader meaning. For example, costs incurred for other professional services related to forensic investigations were also significant, billing AlixPartners alone at $13.3 million per year.​​ These exorbitant fees have a significant impact on the availability of funds to repay creditors and the impact on FTX’s overall financial recovery process. raises concerns about

FTX’s bankruptcy resulted in very high legal and advisory fees totaling $118.1 million from August to October, or an average of $53,300 per hour. Alvarez and Marshall topped the bill, highlighting the costly and complex nature of this high-profile bankruptcy proceeding.

Image source: Shutterstock

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