
Get other parts of my private key

It really depends on how much private key is missing. Each missing byte increases the search space by a factor of 256. Assume that one million keys can be searched every second (a reasonable approximation for a modern CPU utilizing all cores running an optimized search algorithm).

  • 4 missing bytes, 232 = 4,294,967,296 keys, takes about 1 hour to search
  • 5 missing bytes, 240 = 1,099,511,627,776 keys, takes about 12 days to search
  • 6 missing bytes, 248 = 281,474,976,710,656 keys, takes about 8 years to search

As you can see, the chances of recovering the remaining keys within a reasonable period of time drop very quickly. If you have more funds to recover, you can of course use them to acquire more computing power, but even a 256x increase still only offsets one missing byte.

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