
Hash Time Lock Contract – What is the default time lock in the current Lightning implementation? How is channel opening negotiated?

Lightning has two time locks that both channel parties must agree to if a channel is opened between them. These are (in BOLT5) to_self_delay (CSV Relative Time Lock) This is relevant when your channel counterpart is trying to trick you. cltv_expiry (CLTV Absolute Time Lock) This is suitable if you have not received a pre-image of the HTLC you agreed to route to.

First, do the various Lightning implementations all converge on similar defaults for these time locks? What are they and how do they differ?

Second, what is the negotiation process for these time locks? tell me you like me ideally x For time lock purposes my channel counterpart would ideally be: y But we are happy to agree to a halfway house. Or so it should be. x Otherwise you don’t want to open the channel? I’m assuming this is impossible, and “negotiation” is just “here’s an offer. Take it or not. If you reject it, I don’t actually know why you rejected it. It might be because you wanted a higher time lock that I’d be completely happy with, but that’s your “I had no idea this was what I wanted.”

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