
HIVE Digital Technologies and Bitcoin Magazine Announce FUD Fighter Training Initiative

NASHVILLE, February 6, 2024 – HIVE Digital Technologies Ltd (NASDAQ: HIVE) and Bitcoin Magazine Announcing “FUD Fighters,” a new initiative centered on educating people about the many false narratives expressed by Bitcoin critics. The “FUD Fighters” series consists of four in-depth research articles written by industry experts to counter misleading, biased, and misinformation that seeks to mislead the public about Bitcoin. Through this initiative, HIVE and Bitcoin Magazine Through a data-driven approach, we aim to highlight the practical benefits of this technology and, consequently, rebuke the obviously incorrect reporting by traditional media outlets, pundits and biased researchers. “FUD Fighters” provide the Bitcoin community with a rebuttal to commonly circulated “FUD” (fear, uncertainty, doubt), allowing the community to challenge falsehoods that hinder Bitcoin’s integration into financial markets, power infrastructure, and social norms. Enables you to strengthen your ability to respond.

As the first Bitcoin media organization (scheduled for 2012), Bitcoin Magazine We have been educating the public about Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining for over a decade, striving to provide quality journalism about the inner workings of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Since Bitcoin emerged into mainstream culture and political conversation, the technology has been unfairly maligned by establishment interests, perceived as inefficient, risky, or wasteful. Bitcoin Magazine along with HIVE believe that these claims are completely without merit and in many cases reflect rampant bias, motivated reasoning and cognitive distortions among individuals and institutions that Bitcoin is poised to disrupt.

HIVE Chairman Frank Holmes said: Bitcoin Magazinecited the importance of Bitcoin education amid the overall lack of objective reporting on the topic.

“At HIVE, we are committed to supporting and protecting the Bitcoin network of 17,000 active nodes, not only for the benefit of our shareholders, but also for our belief in Bitcoin’s unique ability to be a source of portability, scarcity, and digital resources. I’m passionate. property.

The same groups that criticize gold and other alternative asset classes seem to have much harsher feelings about Bitcoin. These observations highlight a widespread pattern of resistance to alternative stores of value and decentralized portable assets by traditional financial institutions, bank lobbyists, and global unelected institutions such as the Bank of International Settlements.

Objective reporting can be lacking in the Bitcoin sector, so it is important for investors to seek knowledge and understanding independently. We hope that our “FUD Fighters” campaign with Bitcoin Magazine, a long-time Bitcoin pioneer and business partner of HIVE, will do just that. FUD is over now.”

mark Goodwin, Bitcoin MagazineEditor-in-Chief:

“For those of us who work in Bitcoin, we have now come to expect the occasional, but shockingly popular, media campaign. From doomed critiques of energy use, to tech competitors projecting their own inadequacies onto Bitcoin, to the ever-classic moralizing of individual self-determination, these attacks are banal and reveal the motivations of those who carry them out.

It is no secret that Bitcoin Magazine as a publication has a point of view, and that point of view is that Bitcoin is a positive technology worth fighting for because of the benefits it provides to humanity. To this end, education and objective journalism are critical to fostering public dialogue that will converge on the truth. FUD Fighters is an attempt to clarify the murky waters of Bitcoin discourse by highlighting rebuttals from experts who have taken the time to crunch the numbers and analyze them. Go beyond the surface. Their conclusions are largely at odds with the unfounded claim that entrenched interests want to be accepted as truth.”

The first article in the FUD Fighters series was written by Margot Paez, PhD candidate in Civil Engineering and Research Fellow (Mining and Energy) at the Bitcoin Policy Institute, in response to a new report from the United Nations University. Margot is writing her PhD thesis on the interaction between Bitcoin mining and energy center data modeling at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Paez’s FUD Fighters article will provide a sharp rebuttal to the UN University’s errors, misrepresentations, and flawed methodological approach and resulting policy recommendations.

About Bitcoin Magazine

Bitcoin Magazine, the world’s first publication covering Bitcoin, serves readers around the world with innovative ideas, breaking news, and global influence at the intersection of finance, technology, and Bitcoin. Operating out of Nashville, Tennessee, Bitcoin Magazine is published by BTC Media. For the latest Bitcoin news, visit

Introduction to HIVE digital technology
HIVE Digital Technologies Ltd. went public in 2017 as the first cryptocurrency mining company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange with a focus on sustainable green energy.

HIVE is a growth-oriented technology stock in the emerging blockchain industry. As a company whose shares trade on major stock exchanges, we are building a bridge between the digital currency and blockchain sectors and traditional capital markets. HIVE owns green energy-based data center facilities in Canada, Sweden, and Iceland, where it works to provide geothermal and hydroelectric energy to mine digital assets such as Bitcoin in the cloud.

Since early 2021, HIVE has been storing the majority of the ETH and BTC earned from mining rewards in secure storage. Our stock provides investors with the operating margins of digital currency mining and exposure to the Bitcoin portfolio. Because HIVE also owns hard assets such as data centers and high-end utility servers, we believe our stock offers investors an attractive way to gain exposure to the cryptocurrency space.

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