How can I import my multibit private key to Electrum or

I’m having trouble importing my multibit private key into Electrum and
The presence of “” and a ‘+’ indicates that the key is Base64 encoded.
The wallet you mention will most likely require keys that are displayed in Wallet Import Format (WIF).
For example, if you import your private key into Electrum:
Electrum supports mini private keys and full-size keys in Wallet Import Format (WIF).
Also, how do I import my keys to Called
You can enter either WIF (Wallet Import/Export Format) or a compressed private key.
Decode Base64 to hexadecimal and then follow the procedure described for WIF.
Related Questions
Ian Coleman’s “Bitcoin Key Compression Tool” can be downloaded and run offline and may be useful. Obviously, you need to be very careful in choosing and using any software that will provide you with your private keys.
Are these all the keys? Or extract the segments from the above keys? What sector?
I think it seems too long to be a 256-bit number. But I’m not familiar with Multibit so I don’t know what to expect and I can’t identify it. Maybe things will become clearer after running it through Base64 decoding?