
How to use BlockCypher’s test network with BitcoinJS-lib?

I am trying to create PSBT through BitcoinJS-lib.

I’m using BlockCypher’s internal testnet (bcy/test) because I have no choice. Literally every other testnet faucet I tested was broken.

When you create a new address using BlockCypher’s API, address, private, public and wif

(In their document wifBut it actually gives you one…)

Below is an example response:

  "private": "9125ea9f573e23ce178d98cc2ec2a78655bd030c14b525729a026d6570b411c8",
  "public": "03f1fbc34305c61d7638c449030c32a66eb36726c208fca9962923a98ca75d77fe",
  "address": "C1E96vE5GvKd5kXU4T4hhF6QioZzACrmdD",
  "wif": "BtCBNtS2noEXwm4rJi9nyiVbmZJMR9CEBMbF5Uz6JTSaR9EQn8jS"

However, none of this information can be used on its own. sign Functions in BitcoinJS-lib require a signer (KeyPair) class object..providing the private key on its own will not work.

in other words psbt.signInput(0, privateKey); The results are as follows: Error: Need Signer to sign input

I am KeyPair It comes from WIF, but because BitcoinJS-lib lacks WIF bitcoin.networks Configuration suitable for bcy/test It doesn’t always work out…

ECPair.fromWIF(wif, bitcoin.networks.testnet); // Error: Invalid network version
ECPair.fromWIF(wif, bitcoin.networks.main); // Error: Invalid network version
ECPair.fromWIF(wif); // Error: Invalid network version

The error message indicates that WIF is not possible on the network you are trying.

How do I make it? KeyPair for bcy/test ?

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