
I’m trying to run Esplora with my existing electronics and Bitcoin.

I’m trying to run Esplora on a system that’s already running Bitcoin and Elector. Both are working. Electrs is running on port 60001.

echo ‘”jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “method”: “server.version”, “params”: (“”, “1.4”), “id”: 0’ | nc -w 2 localhost 60001 “id”:0,”jsonrpc”:”2.0″,”result”:(“electrs/0.10.1″,”1.4”)

I did npm run dist and copied the files from dist/ to the nginx doc root. The page content is as follows:

An error occurred. Please try again later.

Electrs has been running for a while so I don’t think it’s a sync issue. I don’t see any errors and I’m not sure how to debug what’s broken here. Any ideas on how I can move this forward?

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