
Increase the explosion multiplier of your $BLAST airdrops

Blast Airdrop was announced 3 weeks ago. Now is the time to adjust your Blast multiplier to get maximum quota from your farming activities. If you do this cost-effectively and time-efficiently, it will be worth it. Today we’ll show you how we did it. Some of these steps cost a small amount of ETH or gas, but some are free. If you’ve put any effort into Blast Airdrop, it might be worth a read.

Even if you are not farming Blast, you can participate in Blast during the last 3 weeks before TGE! To access, use the link or code “6J7IA”.

You need to increase the Blast multiplier before the airdrop ends.

explosion farm

If you were doing airdrops, there was no way to farm Blast. Full timeline and discrepancy The group was hard at work farming various dApps on Blast Layer 2. Airdrop Alert has listed many great opportunities to collect more points, gold, and unique airdrops from various dApps. We also showed you the airdrop path where you can get multiple Blast Airdrops at once.

Today I’ll show you how to get a 16x explosion multiplier on points. Yes, what you read is correct. 16x!

We typically use several wallets. You can see that we’ve already done all the work to increase the Blast multiplier by 16x. This took about an hour to do, including the time I had to wait for withdrawals etc.

Now you have to continue using a different wallet. But we already wanted to show you how to do it, so that’s it.

explosion multiplier

Multiplier increases explosion points. Do not worry. If you unlock one of them, you will also receive previous points. You won’t lose any points if you unlock the Blast Multiplier late.

As shown in the image above, you will need to use a dApp. In particular, dApps from various categories should be used. Blast founder Pacman believes it is important for funds to flow through the entire ecosystem.

If you go to the Blast page and click on the “Multipliers” tab, you can find all the Blast multipliers you’ve unlocked and those you still have to unlock.

As you can see, more multipliers may appear before the Blast Airdrop ends. If that happens, I will update this blog accordingly.

A dApp that unlocks explosion multipliers.

As you can see, you need to use six different dApps to get there. Two of the multipliers were tied to the Blast jackpot. I guess it took pure luck to get it. So, I hope you have already unlocked it too.

The others will be covered in order right below.

1) Spot Dex

This takes less than a minute. Go to BlasterSwap and complete your transaction. I sent $1 worth of ETH to bUSD.

2) Puffs Dex

Complete a criminal transaction on Blitz Exchange. Obviously, if you make a criminal deal, you can lose money. If you want to trade profitably, check out our trading guide. If you want to unlock the multiplier, just deposit a small amount, open a trade, close it immediately and withdraw your funds again.

Blitz also has airdrops for tokens. If you want to farm this product in some volume, you can study the details on the Airdrop Alert list.

3) NFTFi

Buy cheap NFTs and resell them. I personally went to Blur to see where the bid for an NFT was close to the purchase price. I lost about 0.0002 ETH doing this. This is great for unlocking this Blast Multiplier. You will have to wait 30 minutes before you can bid on your NFT again. You can also buy the cheapest absolute dog poop NFTs you can find.

Blur also has an Airdrop for Blast NFT traders, which can be found here.

4) Social Pie

You can get this for free. Head over to SpaceBar and mint one of our NFTs for free. This unlocks the multiplier. It took me a minute to do that.

A farmer friend told me that if I mint this NFT, I will be eligible for the NFTFI airdrop. I’ve already transacted with Blur so I can’t confirm it now.

5) Gamble Pie

Degens what’s going on? This speaks for itself. Unlock it by gambling at one of the Blast casinos. I used YOLO Games and spun with 0.001 ETH but unfortunately lost.

6) Game Pie

The hardest thing was finding something cheap. I battled in the Cambria game. You have to go to the game and find a partner to fight with. It costs at least 0.001 ETH, and whoever wins the battle will get double the amount, while the loser will lose ETH. Once the battle starts, you don’t need to do anything. It’s the RNG that wins.

I was lucky enough to win this battle.

final thoughts

That’s it, everyone. We hope this guide helps you unlock the 16x Blast multiplier and increase your Airdrop size!

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You may also like our blog about AI Project’s Airdrop and Tap to Earn Games.

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