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Injection type ($INJ) ecosystem token airdrop information

Injective is a blockchain platform that aims to create a decentralized, scalable and interoperable financial system using the fastest blockchains and Web3 modules. Injective has been receiving a lot of attention recently (and the $INJ token price has skyrocketed as well). More protocols are being built on top of Injective, which also means more potential airdrop opportunities. Here is a guide to the Injective $INJ ecosystem token airdrop:

Check out our step-by-step guide on how to claim New Injective ecosystem rewards!

What are rosacea?

Injective is a blockchain platform that aims to create a decentralized, scalable and interoperable financial system using the fastest blockchains and Web3 modules. Injective’s ecosystem is reshaping the broken financial system through highly interoperable, scalable, and truly decentralized dApps, and aims to create a truly free and inclusive financial system through decentralization.

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How to Get Potential Injection ($INJ) Ecosystem Token Airdrop

There are three main ways to earn potential infusion ($INJ) ecosystem token airdrops: That is, validator staking, mainnet interaction, and testnet interaction. Among these three methods, staking to validators accounts for the majority of airdrop operations.

Injectable $INJ tokens are required for validator staking or mainnet interaction. You can purchase Injective $INJ tokens on centralized exchanges such as Bybit. Register your Bybit account here!

Validator Staking

necessary time: 44 minutes

Here’s how validators stake in the injection ecosystem:

  1. Chrome profile settings

    Open Google Chrome and click your profile picture icon in the top right corner of the window. Then click the gear icon next to Other Profiles. In the Add box, click the plus sign and give this profile a name. Repeat the previous steps for each profile you want to create.

  2. Install Keplr Wallet on Chrome Profile

    Install Keplr in each of your 10 Chrome profiles by going to the Keplr Chrome Extension page and clicking ‘Add to Chrome’ to install the Keplr browser extension.

  3. Create and manage spreadsheets

    To manage your Chrome profile and avoid losing your funds, create a spreadsheet and back up the private keys for each wallet. Then add the TIA, INJ, OSMO and ATOM token addresses for each wallet to the spreadsheet.

  4. Deposit tokens into your main Keplr wallet

    Deposit $INJ tokens into your default Keplr wallet.

  5. Distribute $INJ and $TIA to each wallet

    Distribute approximately 6$INJ to each wallet.

  6. Configure Chrome Profile and Keplr Dashboard

    With the Keplr dashboard open in each window, open each Chrome profile.

  7. Staking $INJ on Black Panther

    Connect your wallet to the Injective Hub and use the “Black Panther | Claim Delete Delegate” validator. Click “Delegate Now” and “Continue Delegate”. Stake approximately 3$INJ to your Black Panther validator on each Chrome profile. Repeat these steps for

  8. Staking $INJ on Talis Protocol

    Search for the Talis protocol on the Injective Hub. Click “Delegate Now” and stake approximately 2.95 $INJ to the Talis Protocol validator. Repeat these steps for each Chrome profile.

Injectable Hub VerifierInjectable Hub Verifier

Mainnet interaction

Here’s how to perform mainnet interactions to earn potential injectable ecosystem token airdrops:

  1. Black Panther Value Deposit
  2. NFT trading on the Talis protocol
  3. Deposit on Helix Marketplace

To deposit into your Black Panther vault, link your wallet to Select a vault and deposit $INJ. Then stake the resulting LP tokens. By doing this, you will accumulate points. Then go to your staked Vault and select “Stake > Get Rewards” to claim your rewards. Your points will be used to unlock $BLACK tokens when Black Panther releases.

To trade NFTs on the Talis protocol, go to and select Injective as your preferred chain. Then bid on some NFTs and flip them.

Helix is ​​a decentralized exchange and is constantly running airdrops! Connect your wallet to Go to the “Rewards->LP Rewards” tab. Select the TIA/USDT market and deposit your funds there. This will allow you to earn $TIA and $INJ rewards.

Testnet Interaction

If you don’t have $INJ tokens or don’t want to spend any money, testnet interaction is a great way to participate in the Injective ecosystem airdrop. So this will literally be a free airdrop! The best protocols in the injection ecosystem to incentivize testnet campaigns are:

  1. ninja blaze
  2. Aero scraper

However, before performing any testnet interaction, you must obtain the testnet $INJ token. To get testnet $INJ tokens, connect your wallet to and go to the “Faucet” tab. Enter your Injective address and click “Submit”. After a few minutes you will receive your testnet $INJ.

Ninja Blaze is a game from the Injective ecosystem. To participate, link your wallet to and create a free account. Then go to the Ninja Blaze Galxe page and complete the mission to claim $SHU tokens. You can then play the game on Ninja Blaze. There are currently two games available: Jackpot and Roshambo.

Aeroscraper is a decentralized lending and borrowing protocol. To interact with Aeroscraper, go to and click “Run App”. Select Injective as your chain and link your wallet. To borrow $AUSD in the “Trove” tab, deposit some testnet $INJ as collateral. Then deposit $AUSD into the stability pool to receive rewards.

Injection Ecosystem Airdrop Review

There are several factors to consider when reviewing airdrops. First, there is a possibility that the project will conduct an airdrop in the first place. We will then look at how many tokens the project will allocate to the airdrop campaign and the difficulty of participating in the airdrop. It is also important to look at the utility of the token to ensure that it has an actual use and purpose when participating in the airdrop in the first place. Lastly, a factor to consider when reviewing an airdrop is whether a lock-up period applies to the airdropped tokens.

Airdrop possibilities: There are numerous protocols in the Injective ecosystem, with new protocols being added all the time. So there are always airdrops going on!

Airdropped token allocation: Injective ecosystem airdrop allocation varies depending on the protocol.

Airdrop Difficulty: There are multiple Injective ecosystem projects performing airdrops, so the level of difficulty can vary. The hardest thing is staking to validators, but it can also be as easy as playing on testnet.

Token Utility: Injective $INJ tokens are used to manage key components of the Injective Chain, including futures protocols (e.g. new listings), exchange parameters, and protocol upgrades. INJ tokens are used for governance and distributed as rewards for those who help build and develop dapps in the Injective ecosystem.

Token Lockup: Injective ecosystem airdrop token lockup varies depending on the protocol.

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