
Installation – dyld: Libraries not loading when running bitcoind on Mac

The answers below may not be perfect for your situation, but taking the initiative will solve your problem.

Statically linked compiled executables are 100% complete for a particular computer architecture and are much larger in size than dynamically linked executables, which tend to port better on computers of different architectures.

The executable that is behaving improperly is using a dynamically linked library instead of a statically linked library. The executable is looking for a dynamically linked library (file) named miniupnpc.16.dylib in the /usr/local/opt/miniupnpc/lib/ directory.

if you have homebrew installed, "% brew list" Shows cases miniupnpc The package has been installed. all "% brew ls -v miniupnpc" Identifies the path where the miniupnpc package file is installed, such as a dynamically linked file. lib/libminiupnpc.16.dylib Library file or statically linked file lib/libminiupnpc.a Library file.

You should read about: HOMEBREW_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH This is an environment variable used on Mac.

The paths for the command line interface and *.dmg files are different. Use Unix "% which bitcoind" or "% which bitcoin-cli" Identifies how the command line path is actually set up within the UNIX shell.

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