
Introducing the EPF Study Group

The Ethereum Protocol Fellowship (EPF) is a program designed to lower the barrier to entry for developers interested in working on the core protocol. As core developer and EPF creator Piper Merriam likes to say, the door is ridiculously wide open. EPF helps you get through it.

One of the most frequent requests we’ve received from applicants and participants over the past two cohorts has been for better onboarding materials. EPF Coordinators Josh and Mario are pleased to announce the launch of the EPF Study Group (EPFsg). Ethereum Protocol Fellowship (The fifth cohort is coming🔜). EPFsg is designed to guide and grow the next generation of Ethereum core developers and provide them with a deep understanding of Ethereum’s internal mechanisms.

leave a lot of space

Understanding the Ethereum protocol is a complex but important endeavor. Study Group aims to bridge the gap by providing a curriculum focused on all parts of the Ethereum stack and roadmap.

Ethereum Protocol Research Program Overview

Program Details

The EPF Study Group is a live webinar-style program consisting of two stages. The first phase, consisting of 90 minutes of classes per week, will focus on a general overview of the basic structure of Ethereum. In the latter stage, students will choose either a research or development track (or both). Each track has 90-minute classes per week and goes in-depth on the topic of your choice.

In study groups, students will gain a better understanding of Ethereum’s core protocols by covering topics such as:

  • Protocol Design
  • Execution and consensus layer architecture, specification and implementation
  • Testing Methods and Tools
  • Current research and roadmap items:

    • Pull on
    • Sharding
    • MEV
    • Proof of Stake Improvement
    • Status and record expiration

Each online session is led by current core developers and researchers from a variety of client teams and research groups, and comes with pre-meeting readings to familiarize yourself with topics and terminology, and post-meeting activities to reinforce and solidify your understanding.

Students also collaboratively develop a comprehensive wiki that serves as an evolving knowledge base for current and future core developers. This gives students practical experience contributing to open source resources while also gaining valuable experience in documentation and community-driven development.

Who is protocol research for?

This program Ethereum Protocol Fellowship, this study group is for anyone who wants to learn more about the inner workings of the Ethereum protocol. Anyone with general knowledge or use of Ethereum and/or blockchain, as well as anyone with computer science, technology, or developer experience will get the most out of this program.

Register for the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship study group here.

— Josh Davis & Mario Havel | EPF adjustment

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