
Jambo and Aptos Foundation join forces to propel emerging markets into the Web3 era

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Jambo and Aptos Foundation join forces to bring Web3 technology to emerging markets. With the affordable JamboPhone at its core, the partnership aims to empower individuals across Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America. By integrating Aptos blockchain with innovative apps, we are bridging the digital divide and paving the way for financial inclusion and technological empowerment.

Jambo and Apto Foundation combine to bring Web3 technology to underserved areas

In a groundbreaking move to bridge the digital divide and propel emerging markets to the forefront of the digital economy, Jambo has established a strategic partnership with Aptos Foundation.

Congo-based Jambo is at the forefront of revolutionizing user acquisition for Web3 technology. Their platform offers comprehensive Web3 super apps designed to educate, serve banking and entertain users across the continent. As a pioneering innovator, Jambo is committed to bridging the gap between emerging markets and the digital world through accessible and affordable technology solutions. Our focus on education and financial inclusion highlights our commitment to realizing the transformative potential of Web3 in the region.

Jambo has secured a total of $37.5 million in funding across two rounds, with its latest Series A round completed on May 10, 2022. In an announcement blog post, Jambo CEO and co-founder James Zhang outlined the company’s mission to invest millions, and potentially billions, of dollars. , African Web3. Zhang highlighted the burgeoning interest in cryptocurrencies within Africa, emphasizing the need to provide the continent with the necessary tools to fully utilize this innovative technology.

This alliance marks a pivotal moment in the convergence of advanced Web3 technologies and the urgent need for financial inclusion across Africa, Southeast Asia and Latin America.

JamboPhone, priced at $99, provides your gateway to the digital world

At the heart of this collaboration is an ambitious effort to introduce the transformative power of Web3 to communities in the developing world through the innovative JamboPhone.

Selling for an unprecedented price of $99, the JamboPhone stands as a symbol of accessibility, providing Gen Z populations in emerging markets with not just a device but a gateway to a world of digital opportunity.

JamboApp and Petra Wallet Paving the Way for a More Inclusive Digital Economy

With the pre-loaded JamboApp, JamboPhone serves as a versatile tool that introduces users to decentralized finance, gaming, and a variety of educational resources tailored specifically to the needs of underserved communities. Additionally, the inclusion of Petra, the leading Aptos-compatible wallet, in every JamboPhone highlights our commitment to seamless integration with the wider Aptos ecosystem, effectively democratizing access to blockchain technology.

The importance of this partnership extends beyond simple hardware and software integration. Jambo and the Aptos Foundation are leveraging the power of the Aptos blockchain to pave the way for a more inclusive digital economy. In economically unstable regions with limited access to traditional banking services, the deployment of Web3 technology provides a lifeline to help individuals overcome financial barriers and actively participate in global markets.

Bashar Lazaar, Head of Grants and Ecosystem at Aptos Foundation, highlighted the tremendous impact of this collaboration, especially for underserved regions. “For too long, Web3 has deprioritized emerging markets. “This partnership marks a turning point in the deployment of meaningful tools and resources that will lead to ubiquitous access to this transformative technology,” said Lazaar, emphasizing our shared commitment to equitable access to innovation.

Jambo co-founder James Zhang echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the wider social implications of the JamboPhone initiative. “JamboPhone is not just a product, it is a movement towards financial freedom for emerging markets,” Zhang said, emphasizing the pivotal role of technology in promoting economic empowerment and leveling the playing field for global talent.

At the center of this initiative is JamboApp, a rich set of integrated services designed to not only entertain, but also educate and empower users. From JamboPlay to JamboEarn Quest, this platform offers a holistic approach to Web3 education, giving individuals the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the digital economy.

As the world witnesses the dawn of a new era characterized by innovation and accessibility, Jambo’s partnership with the Aptos Foundation serves as a beacon of hope for millions of people around the world. By leveraging the transformative potential of Web3 technology, these two visionary entities are charting a course toward a future of limitless opportunity and prosperity for all.

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