KP Green Engineering stocks increase 6% after receiving the first US order.

India’s major solar mounting solution manufacturers achieved the first export innovation by achieving important milestones in international expansion. The company delivered a solar module -mounted structure to major solar companies in the United States and is worth a significant order to RS. 23.02 will be completed by March 2025.
Stock price
Stock price KP Green Engineering limited 5.6 % increased In RS. Increased in Friday 509 per share, the closure of previous RS. 481.75 per week. The market cap is now in RS. As of February 7, 2025, 2,487.5 croans.
Recent update
KP Green Engineering has begun to deliver the first export order of Solar Module Mounting Structures (MMS) to GameChanger Solar Corp, USA. Order is worth RS. 23.02 crores. They plan to complete the delivery by March 2025
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Financial highlights
In H1FY25, revenue surged. 154% yoy In RS. 264 crore in RS. 104 crore of h1Fy24, also A 7.8% Increase in RS. 245 crore of H2FY24. Gain 145% yoy In RS. 27 crore from RS. 11 of H1FY24 12.5% Growth in RS. 24 crore at H2FY24.
KP Green Engineering LTD’s competitors are included Simplex Infrastructures LTD, PSP Projects LTD, Salasar Techno Engineering LTD, Dee Development Engineers LTD
KP Green Engineering is currently trading with 48 p/E.It is higher than the industrial P/E of 39.
Market outlook
The Indian engineering service market is expected to grow strongly by 7.9% CAGR by 2030. Major sectors, such as renewable energy, space research and defense, will see major developments. Engineering exports to the United States, Europe and the UAE are expected to increase.
Adoption of technology, including AI and robotics, is essential for competitiveness. The government -supported infrastructure project and “Make in INDIA” initiative will further increase domestic manufacturing and create global opportunities for Indian companies.


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