Kraken Security Manual: How to avoid cryptocurrency fraud in the Festival Kraken Blog

After the birth of financial fraud, the trading business unfortunately can be acquired on the boat if it is the other side of the insurance transaction with Greek businessman Hegestratos. Transport corn, sell corn, sink the stomach, and finally get insurance. That year was 300 years BC.
Higstraos later drowned and died after being arrested and kicked by an angry victim. This reflects the limitations of that era. Higstraos must personally implement morale. In the digital age, the anonymity of fraud is much stronger. Emergency measures are required, claiming that the phone is a bank’s own voice, an e-mail’s hard phrase. Otherwise, close the account.
Sophisticated con artists do not regret bring them to the victims and his family. They are good at injecting intuitive fear and wrong urgency.immediatelyTake action. You can take time to consider and contact financial institutions and check anything.
Everyone plays an important role in preventing these frauds. Good news is that the most powerful weapon to prevent cheating is generally free, free and easy to use.Do nothingDo not pay attention to the essential high pressure or abnormal requirements. Do not reply to text messages or emails.
Then contact the fraudster and claim to be a financial institution (check the customer service call offered to the official website of the company). The customer service manager provides you with an accurate account status and is likely to confirm that everything is normal without taking action.
Author: Kraken Supreme Security Officer Nick PERCOCO (Nick PERCOCO)
Cryptocurrency fraud is the latest of its financial fraud, which has existed for thousands of years. If certain assets are worth it, the scammer can deceive you and transfer the value to them.
Social engineering plays an important role in it. Social engineering is to obtain victims of victims. In general, dozens of front and rear communication occurred after a long time.
This specific method of trusting through time accumulation is called “Piglet Dish”. Rammer often showed strong interest through praise and the victim’s hobbies and activities, and gradually “murdered” the victims. The “slaughter” part begins only when the scammer can squeeze a lot of money. A few days, weeks, months, or years: If the potential final theft is large enough, the scammer will spend as much time as possible.
Most of the Cryptocurrency fraudulent frauds that a fraudulent persuades the victim to share the seed phrase (actually password) so that the frauds can access the cryptocurrency.As long as someone requires your seed phrases, in any situation, they are demanding unlimited access to your cryptocurrency. halt. Call. Do not respond to emails or text messages.Do nothing.
The scammer knew that if you did nothing, you lost it. Creating fear is an effective strategy for the victim to take action immediately. The frauders pretend to use money to go home. Potential victims need to send text messages or call their families to immediately frustrate this fraud, but the scammer is good at maintaining the victim’s call. Call and keep calmly and contact your family independently.
Cryptocurrency fraud loss explained only a small part of the government’s issuance, but attracted too much attention. Regardless of the technology to complete the transaction, the process of transmitting valuable currency devices to the other person is basically similar.
Another common fraudulent method is to actively provide “opportunities.” Strange calls with a lot of stress of “stock broker” have existed for decades. The same routine: There is no reason to meet common sense, and they call you a completely strange person and provide a great opportunity to make a lot of money in a short time. There are similar cryptocurrency frauds.
Don’t call and answer the number and respond. In fact, if you have a legal opportunity, you can double the few days or weeks, and you won’t try to talk to a totally strange person.
Some suggestions to help avoid scams are:
- Trust your intuition—— The incredibly good suggestion, transaction or opportunity must question an incredible proposal. If someone tells you “warranty,” if you say that you are successful, this is usually a major risk signal.
- Actions that act slowly and carefully——-“Do nothing” is a powerful weapon. Most victims’ actions are due to fear, panic or greed, and these feelings can overwhelm reasonable decisions. It is necessary because there is little reasonable financial situation.nowTake immediate action. Write down the name of the agency claimed to be a representative and call the customer service phone listed on the legal website to make sure that the customer service employee has a problem.
- Check first and then trust—— Do not immediately think that this is true because someone claims to work at a company. Most software suppliers do not take the lead in helping to recover technical problems by phone. If someone is not invited, even if you are wearing a uniform, you should show your personal ID card, record your employee number, and ask for follow -up with related companies through the official communication line. This may sound like a paranoid, but a scammer can easily buy uniforms and wrong ID cards to gain trust in their goals.
- Understand your feelings——Liebuls use human emotions to make the goal judgment. If you feel external pressure and request to complete a specific transaction quickly, cause excitement, worry or pressure, and then terminate transactions or communication. Perform the due diligence according to the above proposal.
- A scammer will build trust—— The scammer asks personal questions, such as whether you are married, the marriage period, or if you have children. And their reaction is almost a relationship. “Oh, I have been married for 12 years. Little Jessica is 12 years old and Pitter is just 5 years old. It makes you feel that you chat with you and friends like you.
- Passwords, pins and login information are not shared—— It should always be confidential whether it is a seed character of a digital wallet or a password or login information of a bank account. Legal firms or service agencies do not ask them to share this information with them. The safest way to reduce the risk of network is to use a completely unique login name for each account and a randomly generated password by a password manager. This method allows the voucher to be safe and reliable and not recognized at the same time.
- Lying can also use publicity.—— Consider your personal information in the open forum (including social media). Many of these websites are different, but frauders use them to identify goals and get information to control the future victims. Do you use the same user name on multiple websites? A scammer can know the user name of the account you want to visit.
- Check the website website very carefully—— Online frauders can now create a very realistic website copy and display it near the top of the search engine results page. This counterfeit website can be exactly the same as the original website, but the link is slightly different. Do you know the website you want to visit? Do not enter the URL directly from the browser address bar using a search engine.
- Avoid the urge to receive a reply—— Answers and text messages without requests. Even if you try to cancel your subscription, you will find out that the email address or phone number is still effective. Did you get a text message from a strange number that says “Hello”? To answer “Who are you?”
- Have all the information you see—— Identify the actual information on the rise of artificial intelligence and deep counterfeit technology has become unprecedented. This goal will be more difficult due to the continuous development of these technologies. It is important to make financial decisions based on the source of information. The second or third information source will check the information and randomly check the online reviews of other customers using the product or service to ensure the authenticity of the information.
whenIf you need to provide personal information, email or text messages, you need to provide personal information or request asset transactions or asset transactions.First do nothing.
During the festival, it’s time to have a good time with your favorite person. Follow the simple operation guidelines. Do not share cryptocurrency with malicious people.
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