
Letter from the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) on benefits and challenges for children in the metaverse

Letter from the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) on benefits and challenges for children in the metaverse

Metaverse, a virtual environment where individuals can connect with each other and engage in a variety of activities, has the potential to provide many benefits to youth. Nonetheless, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed to protect children from possible harm. These pros and cons were investigated by the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), which revealed the importance of ensuring the safety of minors involved in the metaverse phenomenon.

The benefits of Metaverse for children include:

Enhancing Creativity: Metaverse provides children with a platform to explore their creativity through virtual experiences, including developing and building their own virtual worlds. This helps foster creativity and develop children’s creative potential.

Motivating Learning Metaverse’s virtual world can provide children with educational information and interactive learning experiences to make learning more interesting and enjoyable.

Children have the opportunity to engage in social and cultural experiences by interacting with peers from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. This helps build cultural exchange and social bonds.

In the Metaverse, children face obstacles such as:

Privacy Concerns Metaverse expresses privacy concerns as young people may unknowingly disclose personal information or face data breaches. Protecting children’s personal information requires stricter enforcement of privacy laws and user education.

Exposure to Harmful Content The Metaverse may expose children to inappropriate or harmful content, including content related to bullying, violent behavior, or addictive behavior. When responding to hazardous materials, it is of utmost importance to include safety measures, child protection, and related rules.

Child Exploitation and Online Predators: Children in the metaverse are at risk of becoming victims of online predators or being exploited through fraud, grooming, or inappropriate interactions. Educating young people about the dangers of internet use and taking appropriate safety measures is essential.

An attempt to ensure the safety of children in the metaverse

European Union Initiatives: The European Union has taken steps to protect children in the virtual world, including introducing rules such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the ePrivacy Directive. These regulations are examples of actions taken by the EU. The purpose of these restrictions is to protect children’s privacy and limit the amount of risky information to which children are exposed.

Companies operating in the metaverse are also taking precautions to protect youth. These measures are being implemented in the private sector. To create a safer environment for minors, we are implementing age verification systems, safety measures, and content management.

Despite the fact that the metaverse offers children numerous engaging opportunities for imaginative expression, learning, and social engagement, it presents children with a number of challenges to deal with. In order to fulfill our responsibility to protect children in the metaverse, parents, lawmakers, and the corporate world must work together. It is essential to implement stricter privacy restrictions, implement strong safety measures, and educate users to ensure that children have a happy and safe experience when using the Metaverse.

Image source: Shutterstock

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