Litecoin MimbleWimble December update and developer funding reaches $18,000.

David Burkett, lead developer of the Litecoin MimbleWimble proposal, has just released a December update that documents the work done over the past month and expands on the initial progress report from November.
“After months of planning, development on the mimblewimble expansion block has officially begun! My efforts this month have mainly been focused on reorganizing the core logic to be shared between Grin++ and LTC. This includes all logging, serialization, encryption, error handling and common data structures (headers/blocks/txs).” “Most of this was already written for Grin++, but some parts were rushed coded on a tight schedule, so we’re taking this opportunity to go through every line with a fine-toothed comb. Part of this is standardizing patterns that were originally followed inconsistently, filling in missing tests, and adding better documentation.”
Burkett also writes down and plans her priorities for the month ahead. This includes setting up the project’s build method, potentially setting up a ‘simplified version of libbitcoin’s build system’, as well as defining models, fields and serialization formats for headers, kernels and signatures. Also on my to-do list for January is ‘move the database implementation to libmw-core, clean it up to the new standard, and add full tests.’ Work will also begin on mechanisms that will allow for faster synchronization of the Grin chain, which will lay the foundation for the Litecoin Core proposal.
The task can be performed in the following repositories: LibMW-Core and LibMW-ltc.
David Burkett is publicly funded by the community where Litecoin creator Charlie lee conducts a monthly donation match. Money raised to date amounts to $18,482.95 worth £416.51136 and ₿ 0.02822534, with David receiving $6,000 per month from the fund. Anyone wishing to donate can find articles about funding here along with the project address.