
Litecoin MimbleWimble February development update.

David Burkett, project lead for the Litecoin MimbleWimble (MW) proposal, released his February update yesterday, providing additional insight into the aforementioned non-interactive trading proposal announced in January. Burkett reported that he iterated through several design structures and finally arrived at a design that solved the problems described in his initial article.

“I finally got a design that solved the problems found in the first article and turned it into a LIP ( 8). ). I think it will still be some time before LIP undergoes enough review to be considered safe enough to accept. However, we will continue to keep one-sided transactions in mind during the development process.”

Burkett noted that good progress has been made on validation rules with the release of the new Litecoin Improvement Proposal (LIP), but he was cautious, making it clear that there is still a lot of work to be done in this area. Additionally, progress has been made in kernel design with the introduction of a new fix called ”.We will support new soft fork functions in the future.”.

“We also started building Merkle Mountains (MMR), a data structure that we use to apply to kernels and output. Once the MMR logic is complete, we can return to the block validation logic. “We haven’t been able to work on the Node API as we had hoped, but we expect to be able to do that next month as well.”

Burkett also wrote about how hesitant he was to give specific deadlines for submissions, as he put it.

“…writing blockchain software is difficult, time-consuming, and sometimes unpredictable. I didn’t want artificial deadlines to rush through parts of the code and introduce defects or security vulnerabilities.

But despite saying this, Burkett believes: ‘It’s finally time to focus on our first major event’. He also stated that he is aiming to launch the MW testnet by the end of summer.All block and tx validation rules, basic P2P messaging, transaction pool, synchronization and block mining features‘. Burkett said this was ‘obvious.It does not include a GUI wallet that can be tested by regular users.’ And that ‘Transactions will initially have to be created manually or via cli or automation tools.’

Burkett is a publicly funded developer working on the Litecoin Core Project. All financing along with links to support his work can be found here.

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