
Litecoin MimbleWimble October Update

Litecoin MimbleWimble October Update

The testnet has been running for a month now and has highlighted areas where more work is needed. As a result, several bugs were discovered, which meant that the initial testnet launch was very important.

After sorting out the most serious bugs (thanks to the help of two great contributors (1)), we’ve moved on to adding full wallet support. We were able to complete this task a few days ago (2), and plan to release the change to all testers tomorrow evening.

We also changed the way MW blocks are built (3) to avoid many of the shortcomings of existing approaches.

I’m traveling today, so I only have mobile access. But I wanted to give a quick update for those of you who have been following along patiently. I will edit this message tomorrow to include the detailed plan I promised for the remaining work.

We’d also like to say a huge thank you to the many people who have helped in various ways on the testnet!

(1)( 4)( (2)(https:// (3)( /pull/5)(

This update was written by Litecoin MimbleWimble lead developer. David Burkett Published on

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