
Litecoin MimbleWimble September Update: Testnet Launch!

Litecoin MimbleWimble September Update: Testnet Launch!

Testnet is here. So far, only a few nodes are connected and mining, and there are not enough blocks yet to enable mimblewimble (we are using BIP9 style activation(1)). We’re hoping to move fast enough for the chain to become active within a day or so as more peers connect and start mining, but time will tell.

I’m still struggling with minimal cli wallet support, but hopefully by the time it’s activated we’ll have a simple way to create agile transactions. For technical users who aren’t afraid of the CLI and are willing to build code themselves, go to 9 and have fun.

The new home for the code is 8. For those who don’t know, MWWeb It is now the new official abbreviation for “Mimblewimble Extension Block”. It’s very official, with a cool logo and everything! Check it: 19.

from now on:

Now that the MWEB testnet is live, let’s focus on how even non-technical Litecoin users can easily start testing. This means improving automated builds, improving documentation, and starting to build out wallet support.

There are many areas in the current code that are weak or lack the validation needed in extreme cases. Therefore, we will be spending time this month hardening the code and starting validation of the remaining consensus rules that we have missed. Once we’re confident that everything is working as designed, we’ll break into the testnet and start looking for security or stability weaknesses and ways to fix them.

Over the next month, we’ll share detailed plans for all the remaining work needed to merge MWEB into the main repository, so miners and node operators can start sending activation signals sometime in 2021!

(1)( 11)(

This update was written by Litecoin MimbleWimble lead developer. David Burkett Published on

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