
London Testnet Announcement | Ethereum Foundation Blog

The long-awaited London upgrade is now ready to be deployed to the Ethereum testnet! The upgrades begin first with Ropsten’s blocks. 10499401This is expected to occur around June 24, 2021.

This upgrade includes: Berlin, which was activated on the Ethereum mainnet just a few months ago. By starting work in London while Berlin was launching, the client team was able to roll out this network upgrade at record speed! The upgrade includes the following EIPs:

Ethereum Cat Herders announced. blog post Review the details of these EIPs.

It is worth noting that EIP-1559 is backwards compatible with the current transaction format, but introduces changes to block headers, adds new transaction types, comes with a new JSON RPC endpoint, and changes client behavior in several areas (mining, transactions). It’s worth it. swimming pool, etc.). We recommend that your project become familiar with the EIP. You can find a more extensive list of resources related to EIP-1559. here.

london timing

As of now, only testnets (Ropsten, Goerli, Rinkeby) are planned for London. Once the upgrade is successfully activated on these networks, a block will be established on the Ethereum mainnet and communicated on this blog and other places.

The release schedule is as follows:

networkblock numberdue date
Robston10499401June 24, 2021
Görli5062605June 30, 2021
Rinkebi8897988July 7, 2021
mainnetIt is unknown if the testnet forks successfully.It is unknown if the testnet forks successfully.

Note: The Kovan network will be upgraded later after the mainnet block is passed.

Ethereum node operators must upgrade their nodes before a fork block occurs on the network they wish to participate in. Due to block time fluctuations, we recommend updating a few days before the expected date. See the section below for the appropriate client version to upgrade to.

client version

To be compatible with the London upgrade, node operators will need to upgrade the client version they run. The versions listed below for each client support all of London. test Ethereum network. Once the mainnet fork block is selected, another release is created on each client.

Note: The OpenEthereum client will be deprecated after the London upgrade. The team is working with Erigo to ensure a smooth transition path for users. You can find more information here.

frequently asked questions

Is there anything I need to do as an Ethereum user or Ethereum holder?

The upgrades listed in this post only affect the Ethereum testnet, not the Ethereum mainnet. If you are an Ethereum mainnet user, there is nothing you need to do right now.

What do I do as a Ropsten miner or Goerli/Rinkeby validator?

First, download the latest version of the Ethereum client listed in the table above. You will then need to manually change your gas limit target to double what it is now. This is because once London becomes active, the block size will double and EIP-1559 will fill the block by about 50%.

For example, if before London you were a Ropsten miner targeting a block size of 8,000,000 gas, you would now need to target a limit of 16,000,000 gas to maintain the same transaction volume per block on average. If the gas limit target is not changed, the network’s block size will start to decrease. The table below details the specific parameters that need to be updated depending on your client.

What should I do as a non-verifying or mining node operator?

Download the latest version of the Ethereum client listed in the table above and look out for mainnet upgrade announcements in the coming weeks.

What happens if I’m a miner or node operator and don’t participate in the upgrade?

If you are using an Ethereum client that has not been updated to the latest version (listed above), your client will be in sync with the prefork blockchain when the upgrade occurs. Depending on the existing rules, you will be stuck on an incompatible chain and will not be able to send Ether or operate on the Ethereum network after the upgrade.

What is Ethereum Land’s network upgrade?

Network upgrades are changes to the underlying Ethereum protocol to create new rules to improve the system. The decentralized nature of blockchain systems makes network upgrades more difficult. Blockchain network upgrades require cooperation and communication with the community as well as various Ethereum client developers to ensure a smooth transition.

What happens during a network upgrade?

After the community reaches a consensus on what changes should be included in the upgrade, the protocol changes will be recorded in various Ethereum clients such as geth, Erigo, Besu, and Nethermind. Protocol changes are activated at specific block numbers. Any nodes that are not upgraded to the new rule set will be discarded from the old chain where the old rules still exist.

Why “London”?

After Istanbul, there was a lack of names for planned network upgrades. It was suggested to use Devcon city names for the upgrade., and we did! where is london Devcon 1 It happened. followed berlin Devcon 0.

thank you!

A huge thank you to everyone involved in researching, planning, implementing, testing, destroying, modifying, retesting and deploying in London 😁🇬🇧

Scream henry b For the cover image of this post!


This is an emerging, evolving, highly technological space. If you decide to implement the recommendations in this post and remain engaged, you need to understand how this affects you. You should understand that this involves risks, including but not limited to risks such as unexpected bugs. If you choose to implement these recommendations, you solely assume the risk of the results. This post and recommendations are not a sale of any kind, nor do they create any endorsement of any kind, including but not limited to anything related to the Ethereum network or the Ethereum clients mentioned herein.

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