
mempool – How do I configure bitcoin.conf in Bitcoin Knots to prevent spam and microtransactions?

After running Bitcoin Core with Luke’s patch: permitbaremultisig=0 and datacarrier=0 In ~ bitcoin.conf After a few weeks I finally decided to switch to Bitcoin Knots. The following options seem to be related to the issue of limiting spam (inscriptions that do not apply to financial, BRC-20, ordinal, etc.):

# Relay and mine non-OP_RETURN datacarrier injection (default: 0)

# Relay and mine "non-standard" transactions (default: 0)

# Equivalent bytes per sigop in transactions for relay and mining
# (default: 20)

# Minimum bytes per sigop in transactions we relay and mine (default: 20)

# Relay and mine data carrier transactions (default: 1)

# Treat extra data in transactions as at least N vbytes per actual byte
# (default: 1)

# Maximum size of data in data carrier transactions we relay and mine
# (default: 42)

# Maximum size of scripts we relay and mine (default: 1650)

# Relay non-P2SH multisig (default: 0)

# Relay legacy pubkey outputs (default: 0)

How should I set the above parameters to stop or limit spam?

i noticed it datacarrier is set to 1 Basically. Why is it like this? Is it because of other settings that are more effective, such as: acceptnonstdtxn and acceptnonstddatacarrier set to 0 Basically?

Do I need to apply to lower the maximum data size for data carrier transactions to less than 42 bytes (e.g. 35 bytes)? datacarriersize=35? What are the pros and cons of lowering this parameter below its current default of 42 bytes?

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