
mempool – Why can’t I charge TX where I have 19 ancestors?

I have a wallet on Bitcoin Core 25.0 that has 19 parents and no children in one transaction. (The transaction ID is obfuscated by AT, where T is the most recent.)

$ bitcoin-cli getmempoolancestors T                                                                          
$ bitcoin-cli getmempooldescendants T

when i try to do bumpfee The transaction throws the following error:

$ bitcoin-cli bumpfee T '"fee_rate": 418'
error code: -4
error message:
Unable to create transaction. Transaction has too long of a mempool chain

This seems strange to me. The limit of 25 unconfirmed transactions is never exceeded here. There is also a package size limit (up to 101kvB), but this limit will not be exceeded. The mempoolentry is:

$ bitcoin-cli getmempoolentry T

  "vsize": 144,
  "weight": 573,
  "time": 1701581567,
  "height": 819521,
  "descendantcount": 1,
  "descendantsize": 144,
  "ancestorcount": 20,
  "ancestorsize": 2842,
  "wtxid": "<wtxid of T>",
    "base": 0.00011887,
    "modified": 0.00011887,
    "ancestor": 0.00150381,
    "descendant": 0.00011887
  "depends": (
  "spentby": (
  "bip125-replaceable": true,
  "unbroadcast": false

ancestorcount Including the bumped tx itself it is obviously 20 and the ancestor size is 2842vB. Why can’t I? bumpfee This deal?

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