
Migrate and modernize enterprise integration using IBM Cloud Pak for Integration with Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA)

Integration is essential for every business. When companies consider the core of their IT infrastructure, they may focus on data and applications. But without integration, data gets stuck in silos. And as more fragile, tightly coupled connections are added to allow applications to work together and share information, applications become isolated and overloaded with complexity. This impacts business agility, slowing down both operations and reducing the ability to change.

Companies are trying to lower these data exchange barriers through digital transformation to foster innovation and speed up time to market. However, the risks of transformation efforts include adding to IT complexity and generating more business data that may have access restrictions.

Effective integration is essential to drive a successful digital journey. Integrations help you connect, automate, and digitally transform your business. This allows enterprises to securely connect and share data across applications and services across hybrid cloud environments. Effective integration allows companies to increase efficiency, productivity, innovation, and knowledge sharing. Applications and data have become more accessible. The environment has become more resilient and agile. Creating and deploying new integrations is now faster and simpler.

IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration enables organizations to unlock business potential, deliver new experiences, improve customer outcomes, and enable automation that can scale across the enterprise.

Cloud Pak for Integration is a hybrid integration platform that brings together a comprehensive set of integration components designed and optimized to work together, deployed on Red Hat® OpenShift®.

Cloud Pak for Integration helps businesses meet and expedite all their integration needs. Your business may want to use APIs to access and share information quickly and simply. Perhaps you need to know what’s happening in your business and react quickly to events. And companies need powerful messaging and connectivity to securely and reliably access and update systems of record at scale.

In the remainder of this paper, we will explore how Cloud Pak for Integration deployed on Red Hat OpenShift is the best way to provide integrated deployments on AWS.

What is ROSA?

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) is a fully managed application platform that offloads cluster lifecycle management to Red Hat and AWS, allowing you to focus on application deployment and accelerate innovation. ROSA is jointly designed and supported by AWS and Red Hat. It is built into the AWS console, reducing complexity and expanding the available toolset through integrations with native applications and AWS services.

ROSA also allows customers to focus their resources on delivering business value rather than wasting valuable time on uniform management of the underlying platform.

Why does Cloud Pak require ROSA for AWS integration?

Cloud Pak for Integration runs on Red Hat OpenShift. Therefore, to install and configure Cloud Pak for Integration, you must configure and run a Red Hat OpenShift cluster.

Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) provides a managed Red Hat OpenShift Cluster and is a supported configuration for Cloud Pak for Integration. This means customers do not need to create, manage, and maintain their own Red Hat OpenShift cluster for Cloud Pak for Integration. With AWS ROSA, you can offload that management and provisioning to AWS and Red Hat and free up time for your business.

Why use Cloud Pak for ROSA integration?

Cloud Pak for Integration is a unified integration solution optimized for Red Hat OpenShift deployments. All components can be deployed as containers using OpenShift operators to leverage Kubernetes container orchestration.

Integration products have traditionally been deployed as middleware infrastructure. It was complex to build and difficult to deploy and keep running. Once deployed, the focus was to keep the integration running without changes. That’s because each business function that uses an integration is tightly coupled to the integration and relies on its unchanging, unwavering deployment.

This rigidity led to integration and the middleware teams that supported it being seen as a bottleneck to business innovation. New business opportunities result in new or changed applications and the need to access new data in different ways from different systems. However, changing an already running integration deployment is complex and requires skill, testing, and time. Nonetheless, if you make changes, you run the risk of impacting other parts of your business. Innovation may be affected and upgrades for patch issues or security issues may also be delayed or postponed due to the risk of change.

Enterprises need integration to drive innovation while maintaining security, scalability, robustness, and reliability. Agile, automated, simple and seamless. This was the goal of Cloud Pak for Integration. The goal is to provide a single, integrated solution that brings together all integrated capabilities that can be deployed anywhere in a matter of hours, delivering faster innovation with flexibility and efficiency.

Cloud Pak for Integration is also cloud native. Designed to be deployed in containers on Red Hat OpenShift, everything you choose to deploy uses the Kubernetes Operator, which establishes a standard, robust deployment approach with workloads that can be deployed, run, scale, update, and restart independently of each other. . This approach eliminates complexity while providing maximum flexibility.

Flexibility also applies to licensing. Purchase Cloud Pak for Integration as a single part and deploy all features at any capacity to any deployment form factor. Choose your container deployments on OpenShift and run them alongside individual integrated product deployments on VMs. All permissions are granted through a rate table using Cloud Pak for Integration permissions, allowing you to pay one price for all your integration needs.

With every possible integration capability that can be deployed consistently in containers or VMs, it is now simpler than ever to build, deploy, operate, and update integrations to meet all your business requirements for a complete end-to-end solution. . If you need more integration instances or need to update your integrations, you can use DevOps to seamlessly secure your automated tasks. . Workloads can scale up to the limits defined for each container, and additional container instances can be deployed to meet requirements. All are defined through the configuration of each solution to meet the needs of each individual workload.

Cloud Pak for Integration takes this approach further with automated integration deployment using integration assemblies. Integration Assemblies provide a single place to define, manage, and distribute all information related to the integration solutions you need. Customers can simply get started with an integration name and are guided through the creation of MQ, Event Streams, App Connect, and API Connect® components using their own defaults. After this step, customers can deploy and manage all aspects as a single integrated entity. This definition can be done through a graphical canvas, a web form, or directly in YAML.

Once an integration is deployed (requiring an update or migration to a future release), this process is also simplified with a dedicated migration planning tool that guides each individual deployment through a customized process. With container deployments providing independent workloads decoupled from this process, updates and migrations can now be seamless and non-disruptive. And your business can focus on the future, not the past.


Because integration is essential to business innovation and agility, Cloud Pak for Integration running on ROSA on AWS provides a managed deployment environment that is highly scalable, secure, and resilient. Connect and exchange data. Automation, AI, and cloud work together to drive business innovation while keeping data easily accessible and secure and ensuring businesses can respond to events without burden.

Deploy Cloud Pak for Integration from AWS Marketplace into your AWS ROSA environment.

Potentially use your AWS committed spend to purchase new Cloud Pak for Integration licenses from AWS Marketplace.

Learn more about Cloud Pak for Integration in the Red Hat Marketplace.

Want to hear more? Take the next step by learning more about agile integration with IBM Cloud Pak for Integration running on Red Hat OpenShift Service (ROSA) on AWS. Contact your Red Hat or IBM sales representative.

See IBM Cloud Pak for integrations in AWS Marketplace.

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