Multi-Signature – How do I know my Bitcoin transfer transaction is on Bisq?

I’m trying to import some blocks from Bisq. I got the blocks using their API. I then found that the block was missing some inputs, so I used that API again to get these transactions.
However, we discovered that these transactions only included BSQ transfers and fee payment transactions (BTC). I couldn’t see any transactions involving Bitcoin transfers. How can I get Bitcoin transfer transactions on Bisq blocks?
For example: There is a Bisq transaction (012ffb03e13a50902b8cc898dbad984cb6f4055cad97e33f2d1a627facf3fabf). Imported using the Bisq API. The height of this transaction is 713592. When I searched for this deal on Bisq (here) I found there were 0 deals. This is a MultiSig transaction, but even if you import blocks or transactions with the Bisq API, there will be no such transaction in the Bisq block.
Is there a way to get Bitcoin transfer transactions (MultiSig) from Bisq blocks or is there another way to get them?