My Trading Time Management Experience – Miscellaneous – January 4, 2024

I would like to share my experience with time management related to trading. When you start making consistent profits even after losses. The biggest challenge I faced was time management.
Sitting in front of the screen for 18 hours a day put my health at risk, and when I lost money, I had to look at the screen for 18 hours a day to make up for the loss, but it didn’t work out. , ruined my work-life balance.
As I started to make money and achieved work-life balance, I faced a problem. I have to open mt5 at 11am and have lunch from 1pm to 2pm and I couldn’t find a single transaction within the monitoring time. But when I returned to my monitor screen after 2pm, I would discover that I had missed two trades that would have netted me a $100 profit each.
This makes you feel so bad that you wonder what if you skip lunch? But it wasn’t a permanent solution.
Another scenario is I keep looking at the screen from 2pm to 5pm and I can’t find a single deal so I quit mt5 and go to the gym. After returning, I realized I had missed three trades that would have resulted in a $300 profit. That’s six times the cost of a quarterly gym membership. Did this happen again and make me think I should stop going to the gym because it was so bad for me?
I am sure that these problems must have been faced by every beginner trader.
We will tell you the solution.
Algos in the market operate 24/7, so you shouldn’t try to catch their every move. Let’s say we have 10 signals. Even if you can catch 2 or 3 with manual trading, think of it as a reward and don’t regret missing out.
Slowly you will find that everything is going well.