Open Source Mining Pool Bounties and DEVgrant

Ethereum’s current reliance on Proof-of-Work (PoW) mining is not ideal, and while we work hard toward a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) solution, we need to use PoW as elegantly as possible (at least until the final transition occurs). ). !). Meanwhile, mining decentralization and diversity are essential for the overall network health.
(caption id=”attachment_2623″ align=”alignnone” width=”622″) Mining pool diversity from March 28th
Although there is some cases The available open source Ethereum pool mining software has been underutilized and there appears to be a wide efficiency gap between proprietary and available open source pool software.
We propose to change that.
As of today, The Ethereum Foundation is offering bounties to developers or teams willing to start this project based on the “performance” of the final result.
100 ETH per % hashpower adopting the software, up to 8% per independently controlled pool or 33% total, whichever is less. (Example: Pool A, B, C 6% each -> 1800 ETH, Pool A 25% + Pool B 5% -> 1300 ETH, Pools A, B, C, D, E 7% each -> 3300 ETH)
To support the progress made so far, DEVgrants will add an additional $10,000 grant as the project progresses.
We are open to a variety of approaches as long as the end result is an easy-to-set-up mining pool under an accepted source license that provides similar returns to existing Ethereum mining pools (Dwarfpool, Ethereum, etc.). We will award bounties to the most interesting and viable projects.
Applicants who do not shy away from open discussion should leave a 1-2 paragraph proposal. this reddit thread. Vitalik and others will review the content and discuss its merits publicly. On the other hand, if you would like to make an offer privately, please send us an email. But your project will be revealed in due course (and inevitably there will be some frustrating discussions).
We welcome everyone to come together to solve this problem and see this as another opportunity for the amazing Ethereum community to rise to the occasion!