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Parcl ($PRCL) Token Airdrop Guide

Parcl is a permanent exchange built on Solana for real estate syndication. LPs provide liquidity for cross-margin trading in various real estate markets, earn trading fees, and take the PnL of traders. Recently, Parcl completed Season 1 of its Perpetual Points Program (PPP), rewarding over $11.5 million in $PRCL tokens to eligible users. Season 1 vesting is currently underway and may prepare for Season 2 of the Perpetual Points Program. Introducing the Parcl ($PRCL) Token Airdrop Guide.

What is Parcl?

Parcl operates as a permanent decentralized exchange (DEX) and provides a real estate index market for speculation and hedging. It integrates enhanced liquidity provision, flexible governance, and risk management features inspired by Synthetix perps. Parcl’s key features include:

  • Perpetual DEX: Parcl is a decentralized exchange for perpetual contracts. The focus of this exchange is the real estate index market for speculation or hedging.
  • Providing liquidity: Parcl provides scalable liquidity provisioning with single collateral and LP pools per exchange. LPs underwrite trades and earn fees.
  • Crisis Management: The protocol includes features to maintain market equilibrium, including funding costs, margin requirements, and price impact adjustments.
  • rule: Protocol managers or DAOs can adjust settings in response to market conditions and user behavior.

What is the Parcl Token Airdrop?

Parcl is conducting a community allocation (airdrop) of $PRCL tokens known as the Perpetual Points Program. The first allocation has been completed and the second allocation has been announced. Parcl’s Perpetual Points Program Season 1 allocated 60 million $PRCL tokens, which is 6% of the total token supply. The distribution of $PRCL tokens includes vesting and streaming components. There are three streaming schedules in total. This is determined by the amount of $PRCL tokens staked on or before July 11, 2024 00:00 UTC. Below is a summary of the eligibility criteria for the three streaming schedules.

  • Schedule 1: To qualify, users must stake at least 50% of their PPP Season 1 allocation. Schedule 1 begins on July 1, 2024 and ends on September 29, 2024. The remainder will be included pro rata in Schedule 2. To fully stream in Schedule 1, users must stake 100% of their PPP S1 allocation.
  • Schedule 2: If a user stakes more than 50% of the token allocation but does not stake 100%, the remaining tokens will be distributed according to Schedule 2. For users who have not staked their entire PPP S1 allocation, the remaining distribution not streamed in Schedule 1 will be distributed from October 1, 2024 to November 30, 2024.
  • Schedule 3: If a user does not stake more than 50% of the tokens they are entitled to receive via PPP S1, all tokens they are entitled to receive from December 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024 will be streamed.

Season 2 of the Permanent Points Program is scheduled to run through the remainder of 2024.

How do I receive the Parcl token airdrop?

Here is a guide on how to receive the Parcl ($PARCL) token airdrop.

  1. Get Parcl ($PRCL) tokens

    You can get Parcl tokens by claiming Season 1 allocation or by purchasing them on exchanges like OKX or Kucoin.

  2. Connect to Parcl

    Connect to using Metamask, OKX or Phantom wallet.

  3. Delegate your $PRCL tokens

    Delegate your $PRCL tokens to a staking pool. A staking pool is a group of validators that combine Parcl tokens. The purpose of this is to increase your chances of validating transactions and earning rewards. You can also set up your own validators. However, this can be quite complex and requires some technical knowledge.

  4. Transaction verification on the Parcl network

    When you confirm a transaction in your wallet, the Parcl network automatically validates the transaction. You will receive $PRCL tokens as a reward.

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Angela Wang

Angela loves cryptocurrencies, technology that improves our lives… and food. Anything that combines those two worlds is even better.

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