
Perfect Fight: Battle Against Machines

History was made in 1997 when the IBM supercomputer Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov. Mankind has had its greatest warriors, the Russians, who have been world champions for a record number of years. Garry wasn’t just a cool guy in his day, he was the greatest of all time. At the same time, during his reign, engineers worked hard to develop chess engines. They were confident that one day computers would beat even the greatest players in history. It was going to be the perfect fight. The best humans versus the best machines. Both humans and machines will have to bend their knees.
To quote Garry: “That was the first time I lost. Period.” Yes. Kasparov is the world champion and has not yet lost to anyone. Only the computer has beaten him. This made him very angry. Shocked, he walked away from the chessboard. How was this possible? Creative, strategic and Isn’t it human nature to be superior? You could say that postmodernism ended the day Kasparov was defeated. Man was not what he thought he was: noble, above-animal, distinct, superior…selfish. .The machine shattered all of Kasparov’s beliefs. It crushed his pride. I’m not sure the Russian grandmaster fully got the memo yet, but that doesn’t matter. The problem is this. we Get the memo?
William Gibson said, “The future is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed.” Whatever Kasparov faced, we will all face it in the near future. It is inevitable. Kasparov experienced it first because he was at the top of his game. Garry could have no delusions about his defeat, but the rest of us can still deny that war is coming. As a true warrior, Kasparov bravely faced the machines early on.

And I got lost.

perfect fight

Now, what does that mean for humanity as a whole? To see the significance of Kassaparov’s defeat, you have to understand what a perfect fight is.
In a perfect fight, the two warriors agree to a duel. It’s a test of strength. A warrior who aligns himself with the highest principles will emerge victorious with superior strength. The loser will be humbled and his pride will be shattered. A defeated warrior can learn a lesson by fully accepting the loss. Although this is an uncommon attitude in the Western world, the code of chivalry, bushido, and chess still respect the values ​​of defeat and learning. There is no shame in loss. But it would be a shame to avoid mistakes. We must be properly humble towards superior powers.

The best example of this “perfect fight” is the duel between Rokurota and Tadokoro in Akira Kurosawa’s Hidden Fortress, a precursor to Japan’s Star Wars. In this film, Rokurota is a general of the Akizuki clan who lost the war against the Yamana. Guarded by the legendary samurai Rokurota, the princess attempts to smuggle gold and sustenance behind enemy lines into friendly territory. However, Yamana figures out their location and Rokurota goes in pursuit to kill the messengers who discovered them. In that attempt, he is surrounded by the forces of the great Yamana warrior Tadokoro. People who are unexpectedly happy to see him…

“If it’s not Makabe Rokurota, why?” Tadokoro stands up with her smile on her face and she shouts as she walks towards her favorite enemy.

“Hey, Hyoe Tadokoro!”

“Stand back. You are no match for him.” Tadokoro begins to taunt Rokurota as he gives orders to his soldiers. “A rare encounter! “It’s a pity we can’t meet on the battlefield this time.”

“I regret it too.” Both are smiling. Rokurota’s face hardens. “How about a duel?”

“With joy!”

These fighting standards are full of warrior codes (bushido). Both players are ready to test their worth in battle, risking their lives. They were looking forward to the fight honestly and without cowardice. While Rokurota is trapped, it is he who challenges Tadokoro from an inferior position. It is a tribute to being captured by the enemy. He takes a small spear.
However, Tadokoro was eventually defeated and willingly sat down, and Rokurota cut off his head. Rokurota rejects his victory and switches to a free pass to escape. Later in the story, it becomes clear why Rokurota won. Because he devoted himself to fighting for the higher principles that the princess embodies: honesty, compassion, sovereignty, and loyalty. In the final act, Tadokoro finally understands the nature of his loss. It was he who was not properly aligned and fighting for inferior principles. Only at this point did the warrior fully integrate his losses and reveal a higher power. This is the true definition of defeat. This is your chance to burn off inferior behavior and upgrade yourself. In a perfect fight, the losing side has a lot to gain when defeat is humbly accepted.

picasso vs machine

Kasparov was not the first legendary warrior to face machines. 100 years ago, the person who lost against the innovation of photography was the greatest artist, Picasso. However, Picasso was a great warrior on the level of Tadokoro. Because he really understood the loss. The machine showed him all its mechanical properties about itself. Realism is purely mechanical and accomplished by the camera. It completely destroyed the art of depicting reality.
But Picasso didn’t stop painting. He stopped copying and started expressing what was inside him. He thus became one of the first to switch from realism to cubism. Picasso said, “It took me four years to paint like Raphael.” But it takes a lifetime to draw like a child.” Photography did not destroy Picasso, the machine merely exposed his true human nature and liberated all his roboticity, enabling an inward journey.

Why everyone is afraid

The world is currently experiencing a great shift in consciousness. Now we all face machines. The scary thing is what will remain after we suffer this defeat. What is left for humanity? Wouldn’t machines be superior in every aspect of life? Am I redundant? Who am I really? Is there something deeper inside me? Is there anything inside?
Most of you probably only care about whether or not you will have a job in the future without even getting to the deeper questions. Unfortunately, we live in a financial system that does not allow for the deflation that machines provide. Therefore, people are confused about the nature of technology, whose sole purpose is to liberate our times. But inflated currencies around the world have obscured these benefits and turned machines into devices bent on destroying us.

machine money

The solution lies in Bitcoin adoption. Introducing machines with money can bring us back into line with higher principles of what machines naturally want: to liberate us. And I wish we could give up everything that is the machine inside us. Only then can we fully explore what it means to be human. Only then can humanity evolve to a higher spiritual state and transcend the oppression we live under today.
We must approach this global initiation as a complete fight. Become a true warrior like Kasparov, Picasso, Tadokoro, …Neo and take on the machines. It is no coincidence that all modern mythology is steeped in thematic battles with machines. Because it is the fight of our lives. It will be an end in the true sense of the word, a revelation.

The machine will show you your true nature.

Are you ready to lose?


Kasparov vs. Deep Thoughts Documentary

This is a guest post from Bitcoin Graffiti. The opinions expressed are solely personal and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of BTC Inc or Bitcoin Magazine.

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