
Pioneering DRAM chip inventor Bob Dennard passes away at age 91

Pioneering DRAM chip inventor Bob Dennard passes away at age 91

Bob Dennard, the genius behind the invention of dynamic random access memory (DRAM), has passed away at the age of 91, according to IBM Research. Dennard’s contributions to the field of computing fundamentally reshaped the landscape of modern technology.

Legacy of Innovation

Robert “Bob” Dennard joined IBM in 1958, when the state of the art in random access memory (RAM) was solid core, a bulky and inefficient technology. Driven by a vision for something better, Dennard worked with colleagues at IBM Research to develop DRAM in 1966. This innovation not only reduced memory storage space but also greatly increased its capacity. The invention of DRAM is considered a pivotal moment in computing history because it enabled the creation of smaller, more powerful electronic devices.

memorial gathering

Dennard’s death on April 23 was commemorated with a memorial gathering on June 7 at the Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. The event was a celebration of Dennard’s life and achievements and was attended by his family and prominent IBM figures. It also includes Darío Gil, senior vice president and head of research, and John Kelly, former head of research.

“Without DRAM, there would be no modern semiconductors, and the world would seem much slower and much less connected,” Gil said at the memorial. He highlighted the ubiquity of DRAM chips, which power billions of smartphones, computers and consumer electronic devices worldwide.

a humble visionary

In addition to his technical contributions, Dennard was known for his humility and mentorship. He valued the recognition and relationships he built with his colleagues as much as the accolades he received from his profession. In a 1978 interview, Dennard said that the enthusiasm and recognition of his colleagues were as important to him as the awards he received for his groundbreaking work.

“He laid down the genetic code that we think of as the DNA of IBM researchers today,” Gil added. “He was brilliant, restless and passionate.”

Early life and career

Born in Terrell, Texas, in 1932, Dennard’s early education took place in a one-room schoolhouse. Despite his interest in the outdoors, his guidance counselor steered him toward electrical engineering. He earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Southern Methodist University and his doctorate from Carnegie Institute of Technology (now Carnegie Mellon) in 1958, the same year he joined IBM Research.

creative spirit

Dennard’s path to inventing DRAM was marked by persistence and creativity. Faced with the limitations of solid-core memory and inspired by the simplicity of a competing team’s thin-film magnetic memory, Dennard conceptualized a simpler method of memory storage using capacitors. In a matter of hours, he developed the basic idea for DRAM, and within a year he had patent awards for IBM and Dennard. By the 1970s, DRAM had become the standard memory solution for home and office computers.

lasting impact

Dennard’s influence extended beyond hardware. His scaling theory, which predicted that as transistors became smaller and more numerous, the power used in a given area would remain constant, provided a roadmap for the development of increasingly sophisticated transistors. This theory, known as Dennard scaling, complemented Moore’s Law and became fundamental in guiding the development of semiconductors.

Reflecting his optimistic outlook, Dennard said, “Yes. Scaling has an end. But there is no end to creativity.”

Bob Dennard’s legacy is etched into the architecture of modern computing, and his contributions will continue to influence the field for generations to come.

For more information, visit IBM Research.

Image source: Shutterstock

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