
Private Key – How to generate BIP85 subkey using Bitcoin Explorer?

I played around with a couple of tools.

For testing purposes we used the following tree BIP39 mnemonic words: client mixed great.

Using the site I successfully created BIP32 root key Use words that match the words above bx Calculation:

$ echo client mixed great | bx mnemonic-to-seed | bx hd-new

However, when I try to generate a matching BIP85 subkey (in Xprv format), there is no match.

$ echo client mixed great | bx mnemonic-to-seed | bx hd-new | bx hd-private -i 0

$ echo client mixed great | bx mnemonic-to-seed | bx hd-new | bx hd-private -i 0 -d # a hardened key

The site reports the following keys ( BIP85 indication section, app type: Xprv, index: 0):


What am I missing?

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