
Proton Wallet-Now everyone can use-a great starter self-Istrian Bitcoin wallet.

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In July last year, Swiss Private Privacy Technology Proton (Proton Mail producer) announced that it will launch its own Bitcoin wallet proton wallet.

I approached my wallet early (with about 100,000 other users) and tested it and impressed the user interface of the wallet. In particular, when you send Bitcoin, you can only enter the email address to the Bitcoin address by entering the email address.

I can read my review here.

Since I can use my wallet to the general public, I will recommend it to someone who is ready to move Bitcoin from the hand of exchange to his custody. It is also recommended for anyone who wants to pay the anti -regular bitcoin in a chain with a relatively small amount of bitcoin.

The reason for recommending a wallet is:

  • You can use it for free (users can create up to three wallets and have up to three accounts in each wallet. This is enough for most users. I claim).
  • It’s easy to set (you don’t have to write 12 words seed phrases when setting up a wallet, but it is better to do so!)
  • Like the Proton Mail, the proton cannot access the proton wallet user data and cannot access the user’s personal bitcoin key.
  • The use of an email address (do not need to be a proton mail address) to send Bitcoin reduces the likelihood of entering the wrong bitcoin address into the recipient field of the transaction.
  • When sending Bitcoin, you can choose the priority speed of the transaction.
  • You can buy Bitcoin through Ramp or BANXA using proton wallets, so you can transfer the purchased bitcoin directly to custody.

The only disadvantage of the wallet is that it does not support lightning transactions (Breez SDK, consider the proton team!). It is not possible to manage utxos (from bitcoin transactions to Layperson).

But the latter is not very important because this wallet is recommended for new people for Bitcoin self -custody. UTXO management is a practice for high -end Bitcoin users in the middle.

In general, Proton has made another good product for 100 million users and a Bitcoin beginner.

This article is A Take. The expressed opinion is entirely the author’s opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the BTC INC or Bitcoin magazine.

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