
Q2 Allocation Update | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Community and EducationAkomba Education InitiativeOn-chain authentication framework, developing modular learning resources and accredited courses using this and EducationcougarAn educational initiative that creates working groups and corporate meetups/workshops to discuss and develop open standards and proofs of concept.Community and EducationFOSS ResponderAn event hosted by the Open Software Foundation to help connect open source projects and teams impacted by COVID-19 with funding opportunities in the diverse open source ecosystem.fossresponders.comCryptography and ZKPSTARK related explorationResearch and development on Distaff, a zero-knowledge virtual machine written in Rust that automatically generates STARK-based execution proofs, including progress toward and ZKPzk-summerIt is a program that allows students to learn about and build on Ethereum, with zero-knowledge proofs as a core area.Cryptography and ZKPhubbleAn optimistic rollup hub capable of creating optimistic rollup chains within the same interface, once users enter the rollup space they can move between chains instantly at negligible cost, eliminating the need to “exit” the ecosystem. Hubble’s goal is to be able to create any rollup chain simply by writing a Solidity and ZKPpeekIt is a private order matching system that allows users to advertise trade orders without leaking the amount or price.Cryptography and ZKPUnirepA private, undeniable reputation system using zero-knowledge proofs and Ethereum contracts.Cryptography and ZKPzkzkrollupWe improve Fawkes-Crypto to support a PLONK-based recursive solution for cheaper Layer 1 and ZKPArithmetic-driven cryptanalysisResearch into optimizing advanced cryptographic protocols utilizing symmetric cryptography.Cryptography and ZKPMACI user interfaceA web-based user interface for a minimal collusion prevention infrastructure.developer experienceMeson: Mixnet rules everyoneA study of network-level privacy based on Katzenpost, including public key infrastructure decentralization, incentives, and dynamic adjustment of mixnet experiencecorpsResearch and development on Swarm, a distributed storage solution.ethswarm.orgdeveloper experiencechain safeGrant to ChainSafe for maintenance and improvement of the Web3JS, 1.0Open EthereumMaintenance for the OpenEthereum client and repository.Ethereum 1.0/Ethereum 2.0datahopA large-scale simulation of the proposed DiscV5 service discovery protocol for eth2 to evaluate and improve performance and provide Sybil resistance.datahop.networkEthereum 2.0RSA MPC ReviewRSA multi-party computation (MPC) documentation and code audit by the KZen,, Diogenes Octopus playing Red Team in Eth2Ethereum 2.0ShlessiThe plan is to create a number of multi-client eth2 testnets to prepare for the mainnet. This work led to the current Medalla testnet. This testnet consists of over 20,000 validators and over 600 nodes, most of which are run by the 2.0BSC Eth2 Network EvaluationA collaboration between a professor and a master’s student to evaluate libp2p gossipsub simulations using the Barcelona Super Computer (BSC), investigate ways to harden gossip networks against attacks, and develop monitoring tools.bsc.esEthereum 2.0beacon fuzzSigma Prime’s ongoing maintenance and infrastructure upgrades for Beacon Fuzz, a differential fuzzer for finding crash causes and consensus bugs in eth2 2.0LighthouseWe continue to develop Sigma Prime’s Lighthouse staking client, written in Rust, for the Ethereum 2.0 2.0prism clientWe continue to develop Prysmatic Labs’ Prysm staking client for the Ethereum 2.0 network, written in Party FinancingUNICEF Cryptocurrency FundA cryptocurrency-denominated investment fund targeting startups using blockchain technology for social Party FinancingCLR.FundAn open secondary funding protocol using the Minimal Collusion Prevention Infrastructure (MACI).clr.fundlayer 2in PeruA Go-based implementation of a state channel hub and node client.perun.networklayer 2fuel labOptimistic rollup research and development to build scalable, permissionless, minimal-trust 2Unified state channelOngoing work to make state channels production-ready, including launching Web3Torrent, a demo app that uses state channels to enable micropayments for torrent experiencegas station networkWe produce GSN2, testnet dapp integration and educational

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