
Separated Witness – How to use more than one p2tr input in Python?

It appears that bitcoinlib does not support taproot yet. Is there a good lib that can use more than one taproot input? I want to generate tx like this:

"inputs": (
        "addresses": (
        "age": 840326,
        "output_index": 0,
        "output_value": 614896,
        "prev_hash": "_censored_",
        "script_type": "pay-to-taproot",
        "sequence": 4294967295,
        "witness": (
"outputs": (
        "addresses": (
        "script": "51206bdd72b3419044e4eaf036c54290859f2e40f9a2d2232e31820dbcea37d4f88b",
        "script_type": "pay-to-taproot",
        "value": 41000

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