
Spirit of Satoshi Releases First Annual Bitcoin and AI Industry Report

At the culmination of its efforts at the intersection of Bitcoin and artificial intelligence (AI), Spirit of Satoshi, the world’s first Bitcoin-centric AI, has released “Nexus – Bitcoin and AI Industry Report”, highlighting significant advances and We debunked misconceptions about these areas. area.

The key emphasis of the report centers around the convergence of 280 participants committed to improving the Spirit of Satoshi model and powering the “Nakamoto Repository” with over 33,000 valuable Bitcoin resources. These milestones represent a powerful integration of community-driven contributions and partnerships and establish the cornerstone for AI development facilitated by Bitcoin and Lightning payments.

Notable highlights within the report include the creation of the Lightning-Enabled-Crowdsourced LLM (LECS-LLM) tool, which collected over 40,000 responses from 280 contributors. This effort managed an extensive repository of 33,000 Bitcoins and Austrian economic resources, secured through collaboration with the community and the Mises Institute.

Additionally, the report showcases Code-Satoshi, the world’s first Bitcoin code pilot. Aimed at developers, this tool simplifies the coding process for Bitcoin and related languages ​​and protocols. Currently in the alpha stage, we support code creation, modification, and explanation through English or visualization, focusing on Script and MiniScript.

The report also details the integration of the L402 protocol on the Lightning Network and highlights its role in facilitating machine-to-machine economic activities. This integration aims to enhance user privacy and mitigate fraud and chargeback risks, in stark contrast to centralized AI models.

Busting fundamental myths surrounding AI misconceptions forms an important part within the report. The report highlights the need for transparent and diverse AI models, from debunking “myths about more data” to dispelling fears that AI will replace human labor and addressing concerns about artificial general intelligence (AGI).

Another aspect highlighted is the joint effort to build the Satoshi spirit Bitcoin language model. Through community validation, refined datasets, and reinforcement learning, the model aims for accuracy and agreement with a Bitcoin-centric perspective.

“Nexus – Bitcoin and AI Industry Report” showcases the joint innovation between the two areas that could usher in a new era of AI development through Bitcoin, paving the way for innovative applications in both areas.

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