Step-by-step guide: Set up your Jasminer X16-QE easily!

Jasminer X16-QE Mining EtHash ETC Algorithm has a maximum hash rate of 1650Mh/s±10% and power consumption of only 550W±10%. Launched in May 2023 by the reputable mining hardware manufacturer Jasminer, the X16-QE is a premium Ethereum Classic miner with an efficient air cooling system.
If you are interested in ETC mining and looking for a reliable ETC miner, you can choose Jasminer X16QE. Otherwise, if you have already purchased Jasminer X16-QE and are not sure about setting it up, here is a simple setup guide.
This guide covers the setup process with step-by-step instructions and detailed images. It’s so simple that anyone can do it themselves.
Why Jasminer X16QE?
Here are some of the benefits you can enjoy with the Jasminer X16QE:
- The Jasminer X16QE is a silent miner with an air cooling system of three high-speed fans. The noise level has been reduced to 40db±10%.
- Jasminer X16QE can operate at normal household voltage of 120V.
- Its small size allows it to be installed anywhere in the home.
- It can heat a room.
- The Jasminer X16QE supports Wi-Fi, unlike most ASIC miners.
What does the Jasminer X16QE look like?
- The Jasminer X16QE comes with rack-mount ears so it can be mounted in a server rack.
- Even without rack mounting, these ears make it easy to lift the Jasminer X16QE.
- This product is compact, stylish and lightweight at 10kg.
How do I set up my Jasminer X16QE?
Here are detailed step-by-step instructions for setting up your Jasminer X16QE:
1. ASIC Preparation
- Plug the Ethernet cable into the ASIC. The Jasminer X16QE supports Wi-Fi, but requires an Ethernet cable to access the web GUI.
- Next, the ASIC does not come with a power cable, so you will need to purchase one separately.
- Plug one end of the power cable into the ASIC miner and the other end into a power outlet. A standard 120V North American power outlet will work.
- Press the power button on the back of the ASIC.
- Make sure all plugs are securely fastened and there are no loose connections.
2. ASIC configuration
- When powered on, you will see a light on the ASIC.
- Now you need the IP address of your Jasminer X16QE so you can log into the web GUI and set up your ASIC for cryptocurrency mining.
- You will need a laptop or computer with the same internet network as your ASIC.
- Now you need the IP address of your Jasminer X16QE. To get the IP address of your miner, you can choose one of the following steps:
~ You can get the miner’s IP address using a free program software called Advance IP Scanner.
~ You can log into your router to get the IP address.
3. Accessing Jasminer X16QE via web browser
- You can copy the IP address and paste it into your web browser. A window will appear asking for your username and password.
- Log in to your browser by entering “root” as the username and password.
- You can now access the web GUI of your Jasminer X16QE.
4. Add a mining pool
- To choose a mining pool to mine Ethereum Classic, you can check Mining Pool Stats. You can research and choose the pool that best suits your mining needs. For example, for demo purposes, let’s look at K1pool.
- K1pool is compatible with various miners. You can copy the pool address of the Jasminer port and paste it into the web GUI. You can also choose a server in Europe, the United States or China depending on your location.
- Paste the IP address into the web GUI of your Jasminer X16QE.
- You can also change the server location to USA and China and add backup mining pools called Pool 2 and Pool 3. These backup pools can save you in case one of the pools goes down.
- Now, we need to add the worker’s name. To do that, we first need to create an account on K1pool.
- Clicking “Create Account” will allow you to sign in with your regular Google Account.
- You can click on the dashboard and copy the worker name and paste it into the web GUI.
- You need to add .x16qe when pasting. You can copy and paste it to all worker names.
- The password is x or 123.
- Now scroll down to Advanced Settings.
- Update the full protocol with Getwork.
- Update selected coins with ETC+ZIL.
- Update your work mode to maximum performance.
- After entering all the details, click ‘Save’.
5. Start mining
- Once mining begins, you will receive ETC coins in your cryptocurrency wallet.
- You can also connect using wifi by clicking on the WLAN option in settings. So you can mine ETC wirelessly.
- After waiting for about 20 to 30 minutes, you can check the mining status on the dashboard.
Jasminer X16QE is a stable ETC miner that is finely optimized for the Ethash algorithm. If you are interested in ETC mining, you can use Jasminer X16QE to mine Ethereum Classic. Jasminer X16QE is a plug-and-play ASIC, so the setup is relatively simple. You can set up Jasminer X16QE by following the instructions listed on the blog and watching the attached video.