Sync – Unclean and re-download failed. Core fails after requesting “-reindex” due to chainstate.

I was trying to go from a pruned state back to an unpruned state of the chain. I unchecked the organized box. Core warned that this would require re-downloading the entire blockchain. Okay, okay. I tried shutting down the Core and restarting it, but it failed repeatedly. Since I don’t know how to re-index, I uninstalled Core assuming that all data, files, directory structures, etc. associated with the program would be removed or deleted. no. I found the following data and structures from the initial installation:
From debug.log:
LoadBlockIndexDB(): The block file was previously cleaned up.
: To return to decleanup mode, you must rebuild the database using -reindex. This will download the entire blockchain again. To recover, restart with -reindex or -reindex-chainstate.
The chain state must not be overwritten.
Error: An error occurred opening the block database.
End: In progress…
If you delete the folder after uninstalling Core again: Blocks and Chainstate, will this force another download? Or should I delete the entire roaming?>Bitcoin folder?
thank you