
taproot – Signmessage using Raspiblitz

For absolute beginners, how do I sign a new address format (e.g. taproot)? Ride the Lightning (RTL) has the possibility to sign lightning messages.

However, it must be signed from a specific on-chain address. I also tried bitcoin-cli signmessage <adr> <msg> However, this did not work for taproot addresses or Bech32 addresses (both generated from RTL).

The error message returned is:

error code: -32601
error message:
Method not found

It looks like you don’t know the signmessage command?

I also found this thread. However, I currently don’t know where I can get the private key for the proposed solution. signmessagewithprivkey

i tried bitcoin-cli dumpprivkey <adr> I got the same error as above (method not found).

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