Terra Lunc Poker Grant Proposal (Updated)

Terra Governance Notice
New on-chain proposals to vote on.
What do you mine for the community? Terra Dev. Why not hit more users to the ecosystem or make more money for Burn Lucc?
Buy it yourself….
(Updated: This is the correct proposal for the vote.) Terra Poker is the first Texas Hold’em style poker-based Play-to-Earn protocol on the Terra blockchain. Our mission is to leverage the game of poker to attract users for the revival of the Terra ecosystem. The basic proposals highlighted in the summarized forum discussion are: We’ve already demonstrated the performance of a working, widely used product, and we’re continuing to advance toward our next big milestone. The purpose of this fund is to cover expenses during unexpected, prolonged downturns. As one of the most important contributors to the ecosystem by all indicators, we are requesting a grant of 300,000 LUNA, which would grant 100,000 LUNA over 3 months. Fund allocation is 40% to operations and infrastructure and 60% to wages. Full details of the proposal can be read here: https://agora.terra.money/discussion/8783-terra-poker-community-grant-proposa A “yes” vote on this proposal means “yes” to funding Terra Poker as requested above.
Link: https://station.terra.money/proposal/3795

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