Thanks to Anaïs Offran and QualitaX.

After several years of leadership roles in the Crosschain Interoperability WG, first as a member of the EEA Technical Staff and later as Co-Chair through EEA member QualitaX, Anaïs Ofranc is stepping down from her position as Co-Chair.
During that time, Anaïs worked with Wanchain co-chair Dr Weijia Zhang to help the group write various specifications and related documents. Most recently, he authored the first release version of the EEA DLT Interoperability Specification, as well as implementation case studies and other reports. And instructions. She has also been involved in helping the group reach new members, participants, and others working on cross-chain interoperability across the ecosystem.
QualitaX has grown over that period and we feel that we can no longer pay as much attention to the work of the Co-Chairs as is necessary to fulfill the Co-Chairs’ responsibilities to the rest of the group.
Serving as co-chair has been a rewarding journey of collaboration and innovation. I am proud of what we have accomplished together and grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of blockchain interoperability. As I step down, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the EEA and its members for their support and look forward to witnessing continued progress in interoperability efforts.
Anaïs Offran, CEO and Founder of QualitaX
I would like to thank Anaïs for her contributions to the EEA to date, especially for her efforts as Co-Chair. The volunteer role of Group Co-Chairs, performed by many of our members, is an important part of how our members achieve important goals in the EEA. It provides organizations and individuals who do this with the opportunity to learn or strengthen a variety of “soft” skills while engaging in cutting-edge technical work. At the same time, this is an extremely valuable contribution to the ecosystem as a whole, and we know that as the EEA we owe a huge debt of gratitude to everyone who has made this work.
We are very pleased that Anaïs and QualitaX will continue to participate as members of the Crosschain Interoperability WG, and we thank Dr. Zhang, who will continue to chair and manage the role until a new co-chair is appointed.
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