
The AllUniverse platform goes global. Achieved 10 billion won in transaction volume

Recent metaverse countries every universe veritying ‘Offline real economy + online virtual economy’ global launch announcement! every Universe provides diverse and efficient investment channels to global investors.. oOpening new doors to investment opportunities and achieving a 10 billion increase in trading volumeegg Volume

every Universe has meticulously fostered a variety of industries, including decentralized finance, traditional financial systems, artificial intelligence, and agriculture.breedingeducation, plan, big health industry, mining, Energy, Entertainment, Tradeing And sleeves. This opens up a golden path for investors. Diversity and Stable asset value.

After its global launch, the platform will offer a series of core business modules, including decentralized finance (DeFi), agriculture, and artificial intelligence, to create a highly profitable platform. portfolio section.

With the launch of global business, All Universe will further strengthen collaboration with various global strategic partners to expand the ecosystem and improve user engagement., activity Through this, we achieve our ambitious goal of increasing transaction volume by 10 billion. In the future, the platform will introduce more rights and governance mechanisms to provide return protection to investors, including risk diversification, professional management, and incentive systems.. hourWe help you achieve higher returns from your investments.

The global launch of AllUniverse marks a new step in the development of the platform. Investors will have the opportunity to explore a wider range of opportunities in this new investment ecosystem and achieve significant results. growth. Please look forward to everyone’s remarkable progress. Bringing Space Globally Diversity, stability and, most importantly, gradual and sustained growth for all citizen portfolios.

disclaimer: The information provided in this press release is not an investment recommendation and is not intended as investment advice, financial advice or trading advice. We strongly recommend that you practice due diligence, including consulting with a professional financial advisor, before investing or trading. cryptocurrency and stock.

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