
The Polkadot community supports SnowBridge for seamless Ethereum integration.

Polkadot’s governance is currently reviewing proposals to activate SnowBridge, a cross-chain bridge designed to connect the Polkadot blockchain with Ethereum.

Cross-chain bridges essentially act as decentralized applications (DApps), simplifying asset transfers between blockchains and facilitating cross-chain liquidity to increase token utility.


Market observers have highlighted the important role SnowBridge will play in enabling Polkadot’s ecosystem to leverage Ethereum’s broader DeFi environment.

The SnowBridge proposal has garnered significant support from the community due to its potential benefits, with all votes currently voting in favor of implementation. If approved, SnowBridge is expected to launch in 28 days.

What is SnowBridge?

SnowBridge is one of many bridges under development within the Polkadot ecosystem. This initiative, a collaboration between Snowfork and Parity Technologies, aims to revolutionize the movement of Ethereum assets in and out of Polkadot.

Currently, linking ERC-20 tokens to Polkadot requires using a connection that relies on third-party signatures. Although this method is standard in the Web3 ecosystem, it has limitations for Polkadot’s Parachains and dApps due to its impact on the trust model.

SnowBridge provides a solution through a trustless model that relies solely on the signatures of its Ethereum and Polkadot validators. It runs on BridgeHub and is ready to enhance cross-chain interaction between Polkadot and Ethereum.

SnowBridge has been in development for some time. placed January 2024 on Polkadot parachain testnet Rococo. Developers then utilized this to transfer assets between the Ethereum Sepolia testnet and Rococo’s AssetHub, with ERC-20 tokens being the only tokens initially. Supported Asset type.

Since its deployment, SnowBridge has implemented several updates based on thorough testing and audits conducted by our team and security company.

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