
The pros and cons of 5G: What business leaders need to know

If you work in technology (or, indeed, if you work in a business that relies on digital technology), you’ve probably heard the buzz about 5G. The latest high-speed cellular network standards are poised to transform wireless connectivity as we know it and usher in a new era of digital innovation.

But as with any new technology, it’s wise to take a step back and consider the pros and cons before getting started. In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of 5G networks to keep you informed. Decisions for your business.

What is 5G?

5G (fifth generation mobile technology) is a new standard for cellular networks. First launched by the mobile phone company in 2019, it uses radio frequencies to transmit data, just like previous 3G, 4G, and 4G LTE networks. However, with improvements in latency and bandwidth, 5G can bring certain benefits, such as ultra-fast download and upload speeds, improved connectivity, and improved reliability.

Why is 5G important?

In the four years since it hit the market, 5G has been widely viewed as a disruptive technology that could bring change on a scale similar to that of artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and machine learning (ML). As mobile broadband technology expands, the amount of data generated every day is growing exponentially, beyond what 3G and 4G network infrastructures can handle. Enter 5G, with faster download and upload times and greater bandwidth to handle much larger amounts of data.

Advantages of 5G technology

Aside from faster speeds and upload/download times, there are some important differences between 5G and 3G/4G networks worth noting.

smaller physical space

5G uses smaller transmitters than previous versions, so they can be placed individually inside buildings, trees, or other out-of-the-way locations. The cells (or “small cells”) that wireless networks rely on for connectivity are also smaller in 5G networks and require less power to run.

Reduce error rate

5G’s Adaptive Modulation and Coding Scheme (MCS), a schematic for transmitting data from WiFi devices, is superior to the MCS used in 4G and 3G. The result is a very low Block Error Rate (BER), which is used to measure the frequency of network errors. In 5G networks, when the BER increases to a certain level, the transmitter lowers the connection rate until the error rate drops. Essentially, 5G networks trade speed for accuracy in real time, so BER is always close to zero.

better bandwidth

5G networks can utilize a much wider range of bandwidth than previous networks. By expanding the spectrum of available resources from less than 3 GHz to more than 100 GHz, the 5G range can include both lower and higher frequencies. This allows the network to operate at much wider bandwidths, expanding the overall capacity and throughput of the network and increasing the number of devices it can support simultaneously.

low latency

5G’s low latency (the time it takes for data to travel from one point on the network to another) makes activities like downloading files or interacting with the cloud 10 times faster than on 4G or 3G networks. 4G networks offer latency of around 200 milliseconds, while 5G networks typically offer latency as low as 1 millisecond.

Disadvantages of 5G

As with any emerging technology, there are as many reasons to be cautious about 5G as it is exciting. Let’s look at some of the concerns that are preventing both consumers and businesses from truly embracing this.

cyber security

Although 5G’s algorithms are much more comprehensive than previous ones, users are still vulnerable to cyberattacks. One area of ​​interest is cryptography. Although apps on 5G networks are encrypted, there is no end-to-end encryption in the 5G NR standard, leaving them open to certain kinds of attacks.

network slicing

Network slicing is a popular feature of 5G networks, but it is also an area to be wary of. When creating virtual networks for specific functions, 5G software is exposed to hackers, malware, and other potential breaches. When a breach occurs, malware or spyware can spread throughout a carrier’s infrastructure or network devices, potentially causing problems for the entire enterprise.


To move services and functions to 5G networks, businesses must consider the cost and time required to upgrade equipment to be 5G compatible. This can be time consuming and expensive. Typically, businesses that have been relying on 3G or 4G networks for some time have already made large investments in equipment. Replacing it and upskilling workers to deploy and maintain new infrastructure poses significant obstacles.

Gaps in coverage

With the global rollout of 5G technology, 5G services are now available in many metropolitan areas. However, it’s important to note that 5G isn’t there yet. everywhere And it won’t be for long. For example, many remote areas have no 5G connectivity or only limited coverage. Before upgrading to 5G, businesses need to determine where they plan to use it and whether they have 5G coverage, especially if they operate in rural areas.


High-frequency radio waves carrying 5G signals are easily blocked by common objects such as buildings and trees, so securing a smooth path for the radio waves to travel can be problematic. Factories and offices pose unique challenges that are forcing some companies to redesign their facilities in a 5G network-friendly manner.

How does 5G technology work?

5G networks are divided into geographic sections called cells. Within these cells, wireless devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers connect to the Internet or phone network by transmitting radio waves between a base station and an antenna. The basic technology of 5G networks is the same as 3G or 4G networks, but download speeds are much faster. Download speeds on some 5G networks can reach up to 10Gbps with only a few devices on the network.

As 5G technology reaches more and more customers and the number of applications supporting it continues to grow, its popularity is expected to increase for carriers and Internet Service Providers (ISPs). For example, in North America, the most popular home Internet ISPs – Verizon, Google, and AT&T – have already adopted it, and more than 200 million households have signed up (link resides outside

Three key features that differentiate 5G technology are:

  1. cellular standard
  2. network slicing
  3. private network

Let’s take a closer look at each area, why they’re unique to 5G, and how they benefit the technology’s capabilities.

new cellular standard

The 5G New Radio (NR) standard for cellular networks is a new radio access technology (RAT) specification built specifically for 5G mobile networks. In 2018, the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3FPP) began developing a new global standard for mobile networks to guide the development of devices and applications for 5G networks. Cellular networks and manufacturers looking to power or design 5G devices today simply need to comply with the 5G NR standard to increase the ease and potential for 5G expansion. According to a recent report from Ericsson (link resides outside, 45% of global networks will be 5G-compatible by the end of 2023, and this figure is expected to rise to 85% by the end of 2020.

network slicing

5G networks will allow operators to deploy multiple independent virtual networks on the same infrastructure to support numerous business applications and enable users to perform far more complex tasks remotely than they can today. For example, enterprises that want to segment wireless capabilities based on use cases or business models can form “collections” in 5G networks. The collection gives users on those networks a more reliable and consistent experience on the mobile device of their choice than was possible with previous generations of wireless technology.

private network

5G technology will enable users to build private networks with enhanced personalization, including secure access, improved quality control, and added mobility. Because of these features, private 5G is quickly gaining popularity among global enterprises who want all the performance and features of 5G, but also want an additional layer of security for their businesses. Private 5G networks allow enterprises to manage multiple devices, services, and applications in a more private, secure, and efficient environment than any public network.

5G use cases

Now that we have an overview of the pros and cons to consider when it comes to 5G and how the new technology works, let’s take a look at how it’s being applied in the real world.

  • Self-driving cars: Until the advent of 5G, fully self-driving cars could not operate independently using available 3G and 4G networks because the speeds required to transmit and receive information were not supported. The high-speed capabilities of 5G open the possibility of self-driving cars becoming as ubiquitous as taxis and delivery trucks in the near future.
  • Smart Factory: Factories everywhere are already becoming smarter and more efficient thanks to AI and ML. 5G will enable further leaps in the future, including automating more tasks, deploying cameras and drones to perform tasks that previously required humans, connecting thousands of smart devices to the internet, and more. It’s dizzying to think of all the potential applications of 5G in a factory environment. This is one of the areas most likely to have a highly disruptive and transformative impact, potentially transforming everything from the way we measure and optimize fuel usage to the design of equipment life cycles and the way products are delivered to customers.
  • Smart Cities: 5G will allow urban areas to perform everyday tasks, such as waste and air quality management, more efficiently than ever before. By deploying new Internet of Things (IoT) devices connected to the Internet through 5G networks, cities can have greater control over activities such as traffic control, electricity management, waste disposal, and even law enforcement than ever before.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR): Both virtual reality (digital environments that block out the real world) and augmented reality (digital content that augments the real world) rely heavily on 5G technology to operate and have numerous business applications. For example, cell phones and smart glasses that use virtual and augmented reality technologies running on 5G networks are already adding digital overlays, real-time viewing, and other capabilities to warehouse workers, delivery drivers, maintenance personnel, and others.
  • Edge Computing: Edge computing refers to a distributed computing framework that brings enterprise applications closer to their data sources. Naturally, any technology that relies on moving large amounts of data in a wireless environment will be enhanced by 5G. In edge computing, 5G specifically brings computation and data storage closer to where data is generated on the network, providing greater control, lower costs, and faster delivery of insights. According to a recent Gartner white paper (link resides outside, 75% of enterprise data will be processed through edge computing by 2025, compared to only 10% today.

IBM and 5G

5G presents a huge opportunity for app developers, but you need the right platform to take advantage of lightning-fast upload and download speeds. IBM Cloud Satellite lets you deploy and run apps consistently across on-premises, edge computing, and public cloud environments with secure, auditable communication with IBM Cloud.

Explore IBM Cloud satellites

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