
The Ronin Effect: Why Pixels Abandon Polygons Ahead of Ethereum Token Launch

PIXEL token for blockchain farming games pixel will do Debut on Monday Via Binance Following Latest Playsairdrop A campaign that helped skyrocket adoption for both the game and the network it runs on; Ethereum sidechain ronin.

This is the culmination of a long journey for Pixels that began in 2021 and founder Luke Barwikowski said: decryptionGG to launch PIXEL token this week Feels like “day one” Because the game fully embraces the tokenized vision. But the path did not start with Ronin.

It has actually started polygon, another Ethereum scaling network. Polygon hosts numerous games (including Nifty Island, for example), but is more of a general-purpose scaler designed for all types of decentralized applications.

In a video interview decryptionBarwikowski told GG this week that his move to Ronin last fall did not represent a blow to Polygon. Instead, it signals a desire to launch alongside other cryptocurrency games on a network that already has a significant and dedicated gaming audience. axi infiniti In 2021.

“Polygon is a great ecosystem, right? But Ronin already had users actually onboarded that Polygon didn’t. web3 Game,” he explains in the clip above. “For us, it was the most valuable thing we were looking for.”

Barwikowski added that Ronin’s community, which often cites the “Ronin effect” as users play and promote new games, is better suited to support Pixels games taking the next step.

“We are much better adapted to their own ecosystem than to the Polygon ecosystem,” he explained. “And that’s why the migration made so much sense.”

He also praised the ability of Ronin and Axie Infinity creator Sky Mavis to benefit from their experience navigating the ups and downs of blockchain gaming, including bear markets, bear markets, ups and downs. different obstacles Along the way.

“The knowledge they bring is invaluable,” Barwikowski said. “They can save a lot of time moving forward in directions they’ve already tried but know won’t work. They can give us very accurate, good and direct advice. “It was a really good relationship.”

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