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These four things get in the way of ‘getting’ your life right.

Big life changes often go hand in hand with cleaning your home. But that doesn’t mean it’s the same every time. Downsizing a home for retirement is a different process than clearing out after someone dies. One author said that “proper sizing” should teach a person how to clear space for the next chapter.

In her latest book, “Rightsize Today to Create Your Best Life Tomorrow,” Marni Jameson talks about downsizing her home after losing a loved one, going through a divorce, and being a widower. and explores the concept of “right-sizing” after reconciling families. . Jameson is also the author of a syndicated column called “At Home With Marni Jameson.”

“I’ve become very good at putting things away,” she said.

Just like moving between homes, everyone’s approach to retirement is different. Some people may think they will basically stay in their current home or may feel an emotional attachment because of the years they spent raising their families there, Jameson said. But retirees must ask themselves whether their current home is really the best place to grow old, and if not, what is that perfect place?

Jameson spoke with MarketWatch about “rightsizing” and how to approach the task.

see: Needing more money and not being able to work as long – these are just two things retirees don’t expect.

Market Watch: What exactly does ‘rightsizing’ mean to you?

Marni Jameson: I define it as moving or creating the perfect home physically, emotionally and financially. You have to click every part. People don’t take the longest view enough. They just stand still and do the same thing every day. I think they are missing out on an opportunity to live a better life.

MW: Can you explain in more detail?

Jameson: I think a lot of people are in denial and don’t want to think about it. They say moving is too hard, but I want to tell you that that’s not a reason to live less than your best life. Push away those worries and dream a little. That’s what my book explains on paper. What does your best life look like? Where are you? What kind of home do you want to be in? Is it a lock-up condo or a single-family home where the grandchildren can come home? On the water, golf course? What do you want to do and what is stopping you?

Here are four things that stop people: First, it’s a people thing. If your furniture is standing between you and a better life, think carefully. Now there are a lot of places like Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist. There are people you can hire to sell you better stuff. Don’t let it be an obstacle.

People talk about their memories and all the good times. You can enjoy your time in your next home, and your memories will stay with you. Memories are not a good reason to stay in a home that no longer serves you, because you can take them with you.

People are afraid of change. Like everyone does. Change is coming for you anyway. Once again, we never know how many days we will spend on this earth.

And snacks. That’s just lazy. I would say don’t let laziness and fear of these things hold you back. I try to analyze one obstacle at a time.

MW: What do people who go through this process and are on the other side say?

Jameson: It’s surprising that 26% of people who moved in the past five years did so to a new state. Not only are you in the same state, but you have moved into a new state. That’s pretty brave. They left everything they knew. And 88% of them were happy. That’s pretty positive.

I really believe in course correction. Sometimes change is right, sometimes change is wrong, so you must always be agile and plan ‘what if’. What happens if the problem isn’t resolved? So I moved from Colorado to Florida 10 years ago. What if it doesn’t work? I knew I could go back to Colorado. I knew I could make a U-turn. Fortunately, Florida liked me and my daughter, and it worked out well. But just know that you can course correct.

MW: In your experience, have you found that the process of getting rid of items changes depending on the situation – death, divorce, downsizing for retirement, etc.?

Jameson: My thoughts and filters are a little different. Cleaning the house, which everyone has to do for their parents, in-laws, or grandparents, is a different process. Because the people you love hold on to things, and because you love them, you have to become their owners. Decide what is important and why. Find out what is valuable to your family rather than just financially, and what can actually be turned into something more useful, like donating a wedding dress to your local theater. When you have the added dimension of wanting to honor their lives, it becomes harder than going through your own.

I divorced after 24 years of marriage and married a widower. A search of his belongings revealed more landmines, as he had belongings belonging to his late wife. He didn’t want her ghost to live among us, but he wanted to honor her. I’ll cover that in another book. What to keep and what to let go depends on your situation and stage in life.

MW: Are there any steps I can take now to resize?

Jameson: This is not a one-time thing. Lightsizing is a lifestyle. It’s not about tidying up your house and expecting it to stay that way. Because things happen all the time and life always changes. Therefore, you need to have a mindset about what you want to have around you. I think this is something you should always think about. Keep chipping away at it in your garage or kitchen cabinets.

I love trial separation. Then the pain will be less. Put bags in your garage and closets and keep your borderline items there. I know what it’s like to live without them, and when it’s full I take another look and bring it to Goodwill. It is transitional, not final, and helpful for those going through a breakup. Most of us will find that the less stuff we have, the less maintenance and decluttering we need, and the simpler we can move with less. It’s a lifestyle.

This interview has been edited for clarity and length.

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