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This will help you avoid lifelong losses when trading, and here’s what you need to know. Solid Truth – My Deal – January 21, 2024

The importance of 10 years of experience, why you should consult an expert, and why learning from someone on social media is dangerous.

  1. Market cycles and stages:

    • 10 years of experience allows traders to navigate a variety of market cycles, including bull markets, bear markets, and periods of high volatility. Exposure to different stages of the market is important to gain a comprehensive understanding of how an asset behaves in different situations.
  2. Learn in a variety of environments:

    • Over a decade, traders are likely to witness and participate in a variety of economic conditions, geopolitical events, and changes in market sentiment. These experiences can help you gain a more balanced perspective.
  3. Adaptability and resilience:

    • Trading involves adapting to changing market conditions. Over a decade, traders have developed the ability to adapt their strategies, risk management approaches and trading styles to remain successful in a variety of environments.
  4. Risk Management Maturity:

    • The maturity of risk management techniques evolves over time. A trader with 10 years of experience is likely to encounter and manage a variety of risk scenarios, contributing to better risk management practices.
  5. Psychological Conditioning:

    • Trading requires mental resilience. Traders who have faced and overcome challenges over the course of a decade have likely developed the psychological strength needed to handle the emotional aspects of trading.
  6. Improve your strategy:

    • Successful trading strategies are often refined and improved over time. Over the course of a decade, traders can evaluate and adjust their approach based on real market feedback.

Educational challenges without a proven track record:

  1. Lack of reliability:

    • Traders without a proven track record may lack credibility, making it difficult to convince others of the effectiveness of their strategies and teachings.
  2. Limited insight into long-term success:

    • Traders with less than 10 years of experience may not have faced all market conditions or experienced the long-term impact of their strategies, so it may be difficult to provide comprehensive insight into long-term success.
  3. Dangers of misguidance:

    • Training without a practical track record runs the risk of misguiding beginners as the strategies and advice may not have been thoroughly tested in various market scenarios.

Challenges of learning from unverified sources (YouTube and Google):

  1. Quality of information:

    • The Internet is full of trading information, but not all of it is accurate or suitable for everyone. It is difficult for beginners to distinguish between trustworthy and unreliable sources.
  2. Lack of custom maps:

    • YouTube and Google provide general information, but successful trading often requires customized guidance tailored to your individual risk tolerance, financial goals, and trading style.
  3. Overemphasis on quick fixes:

    • Online platforms promote “get rich quick” schemes or strategies that promise immediate success, which can lead to unrealistic expectations and potential losses for beginners.
  4. Limited Liability:

    • Many online sources lack accountability, making it difficult for beginners to verify the reliability and success of the information provided.

In conclusion, while it is not impossible for traders with less than 10 years of experience to share valuable insights, 10 years of trading experience is often considered the benchmark for a more comprehensive understanding of the markets and strategies. Beginners are advised to seek guidance from reputable sources, consider the credibility of educators, and be wary of unrealistic claims found on the Internet. Additionally, a mentor or training program with a proven track record can provide more personalized guidance tailored to your individual needs.

Beware of self-proclaimed experts on social media.

  1. Misrepresentation:

    • Many self-proclaimed trading experts on social media platforms flaunt luxuries such as cars, houses, and large sums of cash to create the illusion of wealth and success.
  2. Rented or borrowed assets:

    • Some individuals may rent or borrow expensive items for a short period of time to appear wealthy during promotional activities such as video shoots or social media posts.
  3. Marketing Strategy:

    • Extravagant displays of wealth can be part of a marketing strategy to attract followers and customers. These individuals make money by selling courses, signals, or other services to their audience rather than by successfully trading.
  4. Lack of transparency:

    • Legitimate and successful traders are usually transparent about their trading history and performance. Beware of those who avoid providing a verifiable track record or portfolio.
  5. Promotes unrealistic expectations:

    • Professionals who emphasize quick wealth and portray trading as an easy path to financial success often do so to attract followers. Trading is a skill that takes time, effort, and discipline to master.
  6. Check your performance:

    • Before trusting a trading mentor or expert, ask for a proven track record and evidence of consistent, long-term success. Legitimate traders should be willing to provide evidence of their trading history.
  7. Professional support:

    • Seeking professional support from reputable sources, such as established training programs, mentors with a proven track record, and qualified financial advisors, is critical to true learning.
  8. Skepticism paid off:

    • If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Skepticism is a valuable quality in the world of trading, so individuals should thoroughly research and verify claims before investing time or resources.

In summary, caution and due diligence are of the utmost importance when encountering individuals who project images of wealth and success on social media platforms. Aspiring traders should prioritize education from reputable sources and be wary of unrealistic promises. True success in trading is built over time and based on knowledge, experience, and disciplined decision-making.

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