
To infinity and beyond! | Ethereum Foundation Blog

Dear Ethereum community (and great Etherheads!),

January 31, 2018 Today is my last day as Executive Director of the Ethereum Foundation.

I am delighted to be leading the Foundation to ED alongside a group of fellow directors, team leaders and outstanding team members who have contributed to its current strong position. Leading a foundation from an early-stage startup to a stable startup with the infrastructure and resources to support future changes, improvements, and challenges is no small feat in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space!

We have been through a lot together to successfully move through several stages of growth over the last two and a half years or more. As a result, the Ethereum Foundation has become stronger, more robust, and more capable as an organization, entity, and key contributor to both the Ethereum community and the wider world of emerging technologies.

Now that the Foundation has successfully launched Frontiers, launched Homestead and Metropolis-1 (aka Byzantium), and has the resources to continue supporting the Foundation’s mission and related projects, teams, and goals, I feel satisfied that my important work has been completed. I feel it. So that the next part of the trip goes as planned.

I would like to take this opportunity to urge the community to not only welcome the incoming Executive Director and all new team members with a warm and open heart, but also to give the necessary time for organizational change of this nature.

Dear team members, words cannot express the impact and experience of working with you over the past years. You will forever be an important part of my life, and I will support you as I begin a new phase, both at the Foundation and wherever life takes you.

As I plan to address a number of long-overdue issues of a personal nature, I would like to ask our community and media to stay focused on the exciting forward-looking developments of the Foundation, the Ethereum community, and our growing global community. Blockchain ecosystem.

I sincerely wish the very best to the Foundation, its new team members, and all of us as we bravely navigate this new world so that we can thrive and shine, together and separately.

Ming Chan Executive Director (August 1, 2015 – January 31, 2018) Ethereum Foundation

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