
Trace Labs has joined the NVIDIA Inception program to advance a verifiable internet for AI.

Trace Labs, the core developer of OriginTrail, recently became a member of the NVIDIA Inception program. Achieving this milestone not only recognizes the importance of creating a verifiable Internet for artificial intelligence (AI) through the OriginTrail Distributed Knowledge Graph (DKG), but also opens the opportunity to work closely with industry leaders in AI. . .

What is the NVIDIA Inception Program?

NVIDIA Inception is a program designed to help businesses advance faster through access to cutting-edge technology, venture capitalist connections, and access to NVIDIA’s latest technology resources. Inception program support also includes access to the NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute and unlimited access to the NVIDIA Developer Forum, keeping Trace Labs in close contact with the development of the latest software and hardware AI products that NVIDIA brings to the market.

Towards a Verifiable Internet for AI

As part of the Inception program, Trace Labs can further develop its vision to: A verifiable internet for AI It aims to limit AI’s current shortcomings (e.g. hallucinations, IP infringements, bias and model collapse) and instead provide information provenance, data ownership and integrity as key pillars of future AI solutions. Anyone looking to build trusted AI solutions leveraging OriginTrail DKG and Nvidia can do so at: Just a few simple steps.

Trace Labs is already implementing Truly Open AI-based solutions across a variety of industries, including supply chain, healthcare, construction, sports, and, recently unveiled, with support from the European Union (EU), aviation.



Stay tuned for more developments as Trace Labs joins the NVIDIA Inception program, leveraging the power of OriginTrail DKG and AI to create a more transparent and trusted digital world.

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