Trading – Hello I just started and have been using Bitcoin Node v26 since December

What does network traffic mean?, 16MB received, 4MB sent. Did you receive 16MB worth of BTC?
The number of transactions is 17197. Is this the number of transactions that have already occurred on my node?
Used 175 MB. Did you receive and send 175MB worth of BTC?
10 connected outputs/0 connections….what does this mean???
Who are all the outbound addresses that connect to me??? Who gave them permission to connect to me? Is this what I want? / Why do I want this?
They sent xyz kb and received larger amount of mb. What does that mean? Surely BTC is being sent and received? How do I add transaction fees?
How do I get started?
What does it all mean?
For all of these setups, what is the optimal setup for someone actually investing in their own nodes?
I’m trying to set a transaction fee for using my node as a payment processor to validate BTC transactions on the network.
I want mine. Should I go in the pool? Is Solo Mining Destiny? I have an nvda gpu and am using a laptop.
I don’t buy new equipment.
I’m on github and I know I need to add some code somewhere. From rpc console? What code should I add? Which code does what?? Where can I find out what code does what?
The way everything is set up right now, all you can do is verify transactions for free. Yes?
I created a wallet on my node, but why don’t I have the option to open it?
What code should I add? What is the overall setup from start to finish?
I don’t want to start. It’s just that the code is missing and nothing works.
I was told that I should use Lightning nodes instead. Starting? For a small amount?
Disclaimer, I refuse to have my money locked up in any deal. always. So how do you avoid this? always? Why does this start happening? How do I keep my money from getting stuck anywhere? Where is the warranty? How can you ensure success without risk? Zero risk please
thank you !