
Transaction Fees – Is it possible to stash 1-sat UTXOs?

they economically useless. If you only have the 1-sat UTXO described, you will not be able to build a transaction that meets the minimum commission rate.

Each UTXO requires some block space. If this blockspace costs more at a given fee than the value of the UTXO, then the UTXO contributes negatively to transaction fees. UTXO cannot support its own weight and other inputs must add more fees to cover the deficit. I describe such UTXOs as follows: Negative effective value (at a given commission rate).

As in your example, UTXOs can have a negative effective value even at the minimum fee rate. I call such UTXO. economically useless. This can only be used if the user intentionally pays extra to remove it from the UTXO set.

The above terms differ from: dust: Dust limit represents a fixed fee amount charged as a disposal fee (3 ṩ/vB) on inputs and outputs of a specific output type. Limitations on producing output economically useless It is based on input costs with a minimum commission. negative significant value It is a contextual attribute of a given fee.

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