
transaction – How to convert a signature to DER encoded format in Python

vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string(bytes.fromhex(pubKey),curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1)

if vk.verify(bytes.fromhex(signature), bytes.fromhex(sha256_hash), hashlib.sha256, sigdecode=sigdecode_der) == True: # True
        print("Signature is Valid")
        print("Signature is not Valid")

I’m trying to verify a transaction using secp256k1_generator, but I can’t get the signature in the correct (r,s) format and I get the following output:

 File "/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ecdsa/", line 741, in verify_digest
    raise BadSignatureError("Signature verification failed")
ecdsa.keys.BadSignatureError: Signature verification failed

We took the help of signature verification in Python using compressed public keys. but I still get this error. How can I solve this?

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